Stock movement
Stock movements are initiated to accommodate seasonal products, promotional campaigns, and new product lines. You also perform stock movements when you rearrange a warehouse or change a profile because a customer requires changes. For example, when a product is closely tied to market price and the price increases drastically, the pick density decreases. Change the primary pick location to one further away from the shipping dock to use the space the product consumes in the forward pick area.
The stock status, lot numbers, customer hold and cargo ID are checked by the system before a stock movement is allowed. If any differences are found in the type of stock you are moving, then the stock move is prevented by the system.
You can move the entire quantity from a primary location to an overflow location. When you do, a message asks you to change the primary location for the product you are moving. If you change the primary location, the attributes from the original primary are transferred by TWL to the new primary location, and could be incorrect. Therefore, we recommend that you do not change the primary location.
Settings for parameter 5753, Non-Primary Space Check, and 5754, Primary Space Check, are checked by the system during stock movements. A warning is displayed if the cube of the item, the weight of the item, or pallet quantity exceed the capacity of the location.