Scheduling consolidation tasks
Use these instructions to consolidate products that do not have a designated primary location.
- Select TWL Execution > Replenishment > Consolidate Non-Primary.
- In the Search pane, specify the TWL warehouse.
- Optionally, to improve performance, select the Product option to specify a range of products. Specify a From Product number and a To Product number. The product numbers must be consecutive.
Select one of these options and click Search:
To Select Consolidate products by area Move Items Back to the Item’s Area and go to step 7 Combine a product that is in several bin locations Consolidate Multiple Inventory Records - In the grid, select a line or group of lines, or to consolidate all lines do not select any lines.
- Click Build to process the selected lines.
- Click Yes to schedule the consolidation tasks.
- Select TWL Execution > Replenishment > View Pending to review the consolidation tasks.
- In the Search pane, specify the TWL warehouse.
- Select Show Consolidations and click Search.
- Review the scheduled consolidations.