Performing an unplanned replenishment
From the RF Main Menu, select .
Select .
Scan the overflow location ID.
Select the product. The product number, description, and quantity of the
highlighted product are displayed.
Scan the pallet ID if the location is a pallet location.
Scan the product being removed from the source location.
Specify the quantity that is being removed from the source location.
If the quantity exceeds the maximum quantity, a message is
displayed asking whether to continue. To overfill the location, specify
Yes. To change the quantity, accept
the default.
In the Wood
Pulled field, specify Yes if you are
removing an entire pallet. Otherwise, specify No if you
are removing a partial pallet quantity.
Scan the destination location to which the stock was moved.
Confirm the destination location by scanning the location ID again. This
location must match the location scanned in the previous step.
The screen is cleared after the location is confirmed. Press F4 to return to the Material
Handling-Main Menu.