Hierarchy of personalization levels
UI modifications and default entry settings that are applied to the user interface are based on this hierarchy:
- User
- Profile
- Company
The highest level of UI personalization that you have saved to your live UI is always applied in your live UI. You cannot return to a lower level of personalization after applying a higher level of personalization unless you perform these actions:
- To apply a lower level of UI personalization, you must delete the higher levels.
- To apply a lower level of default entry settings, you must load the lower level settings and then save them at the higher level.
For example, Profile is the highest level of default entry settings that you saved. Each time you access the live UI, the Profile-level settings are displayed. If you change the Profile-level settings and save them at the User level, the User-level settings display the next time you access the live UI. Because User-level settings are applied before Profile-level settings, you must take these actions to apply the original Profile-level settings:
- Load the Profile-level settings.
- Save them at your User level.
The hierarchy does not affect your ability to create and maintain lower levels of UI personalization or entry default settings. You are only prevented from applying the lower levels to your live UI.