Navigation icons

This table shows the icons that you can use to navigate Distribution SX.e:

Icon Description
more more_action Action. Click to access the Personalize options for a control in the Personalize window.
close Close. Click to close a page or window.
expandcollapse Collapse/Expand. Select to hide or show the details within a section.
expand collapse Collapse/Expand. Select to hide or show panels.
plus-open plus-close Collapse/Expand. Select to hide or show functions within menu categories. Used in grids to hide or show information contained in a row.
left-arrow Left Arrow or Back Arrow. Click to return to the previous page or window.
Lookup Lookup. Select to perform a lookup of the field.
menu Menu. Select to expand the detail for the record.
more More. Click to access additional features and functions.
drilldown Right Arrow or Drill Down. Click to open a record, open an inquiry function, or advance to the next page or window.
search Search or Address field. Click to access the field. This icon represents the Address field only in the Menu Application bar.