Control edit options
The edits that you can make to a control depends on the functionality of the control. This list includes the changes that are available in the Edit Control window:
- Auto Focus
Select this option to make this field active when you first access a view or section in the live UI.
- Collapsed
Select this option to set the default state of a section on a page as collapsed. If certain conditions must be met before a section is available for expansion, then you cannot personalize it. This message is displayed on the Edit Control window: This control has collapse logic that cannot be changed.
- Color
Click the down arrow to select a color from the color picker to add static color to the control. For grid columns, we recommend that you select colors within the 01 range, such as Slate01, in the first column from the right. For other controls, we recommend that you select colors within the 03 range in the third column from the right.
You can also specify a hexademical color code in the field. You can obtain a hexademical color code from an online color selecting tool. If you specify a hexadecimal color, then ensure that you can read the text in the light, dark, and high contrast themes.
You can use personalization to override most default colors. The exception is controls with colors that are based on conditions. If you cannot change the default color for a control, then this message is displayed: The control has dynamic color that cannot be changed.
- Custom
Specify a different label for the control.
- Default
Select ascending or descending order for a grid column, or leave blank. Use this field to determine how the records are displayed in a grid. Set the default sort order for only one column in the grid. The Default Sort field for all other columns must be blank.
- Hidden
Select this option to hide the control. If this option is currently selected, the control is gray. Additionally, a message in the Edit Control window indicates that the control is excluded from the window.
- Size
Select an alternate size for the control field.
- Width
Specify the width of the column in pixels. If you sized a column with your mouse, then the width is displayed in this field.