Infor Ming.le homepages and widgets

Standard, role-based homepages are available on the Homepages view in Infor Ming.le. Each homepage includes widgets that can assist you in performing tasks and resolving issues.

The Welcome homepage is the first page available on the Infor Ming.le Homepages view for all users. It includes the Onboarding widget from which you can access information about the real-time value of role-based homepages, customizable widgets, actionable data, and analytics. You can also watch tutorials about homepage use and administration, embedded analytics, APIs, and more. Links to additional videos and the Cloudsuite Distribution documentation are also provided.

Additional homepages that are based on specific roles, such as customer service or purchasing, are available from the Page Catalog. Each homepage includes widgets that can assist you in performing tasks and resolving issues. You can also create private homepages and include widgets that you select from the Widget Catalog.

Some Distribution SX.e widgets require a company and your user ID to retrieve information from the specified company. These widgets are automatically configured, based on one of your company|user ID combinations. If you only have access to one company, no further action is required. If you have access to multiple companies or have multiple user IDs in a company, then you must manually configure the widgets to specify from which company the information is retrieved and for which user.

If you cannot configure the widgets on the role-based page that you selected from the Page Catalog, you must duplicate the page. You can create a duplicate page and then configure the widgets each time that you require information from a different company or for a different user. Alternately, you can create a duplicate page for each company that you can access and then configure the widgets specifically for that company.

Note: Updates to standard pages are not applied to your duplicated pages. To monitor pages for updates, view the last edited date for the page in the Page Catalog.

In addition to required configurations, some widgets include optional configuration settings. Examples include the type of graph to display, the number of records to display, or the title of the widget.

Some widgets contain links to inquiry functions in Distribution SX.e. You must be signed in to Distribution SX.e for the link to work. If an image for an entity in a widget is saved in Infor Document Management, then it is displayed. Otherwise, a default icon that is displayed

To access homepages in Infor Ming.le, a Homepages security role must be assigned to your Infor Ming.le user record.

For additional information about homepages and widgets, see the Infor Ming.le online documentation.

Note: For optimal viewing of homepages, set the scale of your display to 125%. If you use a higher percentage, we recommend that you reduce the zoom in your browser. For Windows, you can set the scale in Display Settings > Display. For Macs, you can set the scale in System Preferences > Display.