Master versus transaction data tables
Currently, you can perform mass maintenance on most master data tables, such as ARSC, and certain transactional data tables, such as OEEH. Every field in a table is not available for mass maintenance. This limitation minimizes risk. Available fields are displayed as you determine Selection Criteria and Extraction Columns.
Master data tables
You can perform mass maintenance on most of the data in master data tables, such as ARSC and ICSD. The data in one master table tends to be independent of data in another.
Transaction data tables
- Fewer columns and less of the data in a transactional table are available for mass maintenance. One reason is because of stage, such as Ordered or Shipped. Consideration of stage code is significant. We recommend that you perform operations on primarily on open orders. In most cases, changes are not allowed for the majority of fields when a given order has been invoiced. To limit records or to target a specific stage, select the stage code column as one of the Selection Criteria. To update invoiced or paid orders, also specify the invoice date.
- Consider also that transactional data is more active. The likelihood for a stale record occurring is higher. For example, you are working on an order that is in an ordered stage. Another operator moves the order to a picked stage. The record becomes stale.
- Another consideration for transactional data is the affect one change may have on the rest of the system. For example, you can use mass maintenance for reassigning a customer or ship to number during order entry. Because reassigning this number influences tax jurisdictions and calculated tax amounts, we recommend that you create the set to reassign the number fields. Then, perform a final update before creating another set for other header level fields that may have changed during the reassignment process.
- There is no method to inactivate Business Object Documents (BODs) during mass maintenance.
Order entry data tables
- You cannot change the Order Type, such as stock order, quote, or Line Type, such as non-stock.
- Avoid changes to orders that are tied to a purchase order or transfer.
- When creating new sales order records, it is more prudent to use the SXAPI call, sxapiOEFullOrderMnt*. This allows header and line items, and other related data, to be sent in one call. Use of mass maintenance to create new line items is not allowed.
- Although you can delete some master records, when you delete a transactional record in sales orders with mass maintenance, that record is not deleted. It is canceled and set to lost business.
Product restriction data tables
- Product Restriction records are differentiated by type: Product, Product Line, Product Category, Product Price Type, or Brand Code.
- The Product Restriction types are enabled or disabled in SA Administrator Options-Products-Product Restrictions. Any types that are disabled on this page are not available for mass maintenance.
- For Product Restriction Setup mass maintenance, if all five types are enabled, you must specify one of these five types in the Selection Criteria. You must scroll in the grid to the required Field Name=restricttype. In the Beginning Value cell, specify PR, PL, PC, PT, or BC. Each set only manages the set of records for that one type.
- In the Extraction Columns, have a goal for what you must do. Is your goal to change records from active to inactive, change an expiration date, or change one Restriction Code to a new Restriction Code? This may influence the Selection Criteria. For example, you may be changing an expiration date. In the Selection Criteria grid, scroll to Field Name=expiredt. You can specify a specific date in both the Beginning Value and Ending Value, or specify a range of dates. Select only the Extraction Columns you intend to change, or that might help you make a decision about what to change.
- For Product Sourcing Restriction Setup mass maintenance, records are differentiated by type: Product, Product Line, and Product Category. You must specify one of these three types in the Selection Criteria. You must scroll in the grid to the required Field Name=restricttype. In the Beginning Value, specify PR, PL, or PC. Each set only manages the set of records for that one type.
- Product Certification/License Setup records are not differentiated by type. These records are attached to a Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup record. A restriction code, start and end date, and certificate ID are required fields on the setup record. These fields are important criteria when you work with the mass maintenance records.
- Product Restrictions Setup-Customer Detail records are not available for mass maintenance.
- Be aware of any constraints regarding deletion of records with associated product restrictions.
Environmental handling fee tables
- Environmental handling fees (EHF) are initially created in SA Order Entry Addon Setup.
- Product Environmental Handling Fee Setup is used to associate a product with an Addon number, to specify the amount of the EHF, and to specify the geographical location of the governmental entity requiring the fee. Each ICSPE record is either attached to a Master ICSP Product or Master ICSC Catalog record through the source row pointer.
- Product Environmental Handling Fee Exemption Setup is used to specify an exemption for a customer. Several fields are part of the Primary or Unique index and cannot be changed after an ICSOE record is created.
If you have implemented TWL, do not perform mass maintenance on orders that have been sent to and reside in TWL. Do not cancel orders that are in TWL. Do not change Ship Via. Do not make line item changes. Avoid changes that affect inventory, such as product, order quantity, ship quantity, or unit of measure.
Address validation
Address validation, a feature separate from tax calculation, is supported for the United States and Canada. Address validation ensures the address is valid for taxing when a record is saved. Be aware that this validation is not available within mass maintenance.
Pricing data
Do not use SA Mass Maintenance Administration to maintain pricing records. Use the PD Mass Maintenance Entry function to create and update customer pricing records and rebate records with pricing sets.
Product Import
Mass maintenance does not replace the Product Import function. You can continue to use Product Import.