Deleting multiple sets

Use the SA Mass Maintenance Set Deletion Report to delete multiple sets.

  1. Select System Administrator > Administration > SAA Reports > Mass Maintenance Set Deletion.
  2. Select New > One Time.
  3. Specify the printing information and click Next.
  4. On the Options page, specify these options:
    Cutoff Date (Inclusive)
    Specify a cutoff date, such as 01/31/20. All sets with an ending date that is less than or equal to the date that you specify are processed by the report.
    Status (W)IP, (C)omplete, (B)oth
    Specify a status for the set. Select WIP for sets that you may have been creating, but have not been acted on.
    Table Name (Blank for All)
    Optionally, specify the database table from which the set was created.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click Save.