Creating a set
To find values on the Selection
Criteria and Extraction Columns pages, use the sort
and filter features that are available for each grid.
- Select System Administrator > Administration > Mass Maintenance.
- Click Create.
Specify this information:
- Set Name
- Specify a unique alpha-numeric value to identify the set.
- Table Name
- Select the database table from which to extract records. If you do not have the security to access a function, the related table is not available in the field. If you specify an existing set in the Copy Set Name field, the table name associated with the set is displayed.
- Description
- Specify a description that identifies the purpose and content of the set.
- Report Count Limit
Specify a value to limit the number of records to extract. Leave the default value to set no limit. The maximum number of records that you can extract is 100,000.
Note: If more than 100,000 records are available for extraction, a warning is included on the SA Mass Maintenance Utility Report. You can create another set to extract the additional records. - To copy the Selection Criteria and Extraction Columns from an existing set, specify the existing set in the Copy Set Name field.
- Click Next.
To select records to include in the set, select fields and then
specify values to establish parameters. Use the Data Type and Format columns to
determine the values that you can specify. You can specify these parameters:
- Single value
- Specify the value in the Beginning Value and the Ending Value fields. For fields with logical values, such as yes or no, specify the value in the Beginning Value field only.
- Range of values
- Specify the range in the Beginning Value and Ending Value fields.
- Multiple values
- Specify the values in the Comma Separated List field. Separate the values by commas.
- Greater than or equal to value
- Specify the value in the Beginning Value field. Leave the Ending Value field blank.
- Less than or equal to value
- Specify the value in the Ending Value field. Leave the Beginning Value field blank.
- Click Next.
Select the columns to extract from the database table.
To select a column, select a row and then click Select/Deselect.
- Click Next.
- Optionally, select a value in the Create Tab Delimited Output File field to create a tab-delimited file. If you select Send To Email, specify the email address.
Specify printing information for the SA Mass Maintenance Utility
See information about printing reports in the online help.
- Click Finish.
- Review the SA Mass Maintenance Utility Report.