Selection criteria
Selecting criteria is optional.
In SA Mass Maintenance Administration, the rows that are displayed in the Selection Criteria grid are database columns from the database schema for the database table. The database columns represent fields on the database records.
User fields are included in the selection criteria, including fields that are displayed on the user interface and fields that are only in the database.
You can select database columns and then specify values for the columns to determine which records to extract from the database. For example, for the ARSS-Customer Ship To table, you can specify a customer number to only extract the ship to records for that customer. Additionally, you can specify a state to only extract the customer ship to records for that state. You can also use the Show Filter Row in the grid to find specific fields.
You can specify these types of values to extract records:
- Single value
Example: Back Order Ship Complete = yes
- Range of values
Example: Zip code = 80910 through 80919
- Multiple, non-consecutive values
Example: Credit manager = abc,mno,xyz
- Greater than or equal to value
Example: Latest MSDS Change = or > 12/15/19
- Less than or equal to value
Example: Frozen months = or < 6