If the entity requests that their personal data be forgotten, search and confirm matching instances of the entity's personal data, select one or more instances, and perform the Forget action. This action redacts the personal data so that the data is not recoverable.
The personal data is redacted by overwriting the content with one of two characters, depending on field value. The ‘X’ character is used to fill the length of the field if the field is alphanumeric. The '9' character is used to fill the length of the field if the field is numeric. For example, the field contains XXXXXXXXXX or 999999999.
Any record where the personal data is 'forgotten' is not available for use in the application. This data cannot be restored. If personal data is forgotten by mistake, you must create new records and instances.
When performing a Forget action, you are able to specify an expiration date to indicate when the record containing the instance of personal data should be deleted. Because the record is not usable after the personal data has been overwritten, the record should be deleted from the application as soon as possible. You should delete the affected instances by navigating to the appropriate function in the application, selecting the record, and deleting the record from the function.
If your company uses CenPOS for credit card payment or electronic AP payment remittance, specific procedures should be followed when forgetting and deleting personal data in Customer Credit Card Setup and Vendor Setup-eCommerce. Certain personal data cannot be edited or restored. You should coordinate your procedural tasks with CenPOS.
Some personal data, such as a credit manager, a vendor manager, or a bank contact, does not require that an entire record be deleted. In those cases, you would open a related customer record and delete the value in the Credit Manager field.
In the Expiration view, the instances in the grid do not show the entity name or value because the entity is restricted. Typically, only the various instances from one entity are displayed. In lieu of the name, clues to the entity are the primary and secondary keys, company number, type of record, name of the restricted field, and expiration date. For example, if the record is a carrier, the primary key might be UPS, and the secondary key would be the warehouse. If the record is a federal tax setup for a vendor, the primary key is the tax year.
When you Forget personal data, an audit record is created indicating the date, time, and action taken. The audit record is displayed in the History view.