An entity has a right to access their data. The data must be provided in a portable, readable format. In Distribution SX.e, the portable file is an output of the selected records in a JSON output file. You can select the confirmed instances of personal data and perform a Print action. You can email the JSON file or send the JSON file to a Dropbox.
See the online help for information about enabling report output to Dropbox.
When you create the JSON file, an audit record is created by the system indicating the date, time, and action taken. The audit record can be viewed in the History view. The audit records can be used to indicate when certain actions were taken should anyone want to verify GDPR rule compliance.
The top level in the JSON file is the name of the individual or entity for which the search was performed. Below the name are entity sections that equate to a field in a database table that contains the name. Each entity section contains a data section, which lists the personal information stored in the database. An example of the contents of a JSON file may be a series of sections that look like this:
!UTF-8!{"pdsGDPRreport": {
"GDPRname": [
"Name": "Beth Smith",
"GDPRentity": [
"Entity": "VENDOR",
"Company": "5000",
"Key1": "600",
"Key2": "",
"Fieldnm": "Name",
"GDPRdata": [
"FieldValue": "Beth Smith",
"Addr1": "2700 University Blvd",
"Addr2": "Suite 150",
"Addr3": "Attn: Shipping",
"City": "NY",
"State": "NY",
"PostalCd": "12345",
"Country": "US",
"PhoneNumber": "5125551212",
"FaxNumber": "5125551212",
"EmailAddress": "",
"EDITradePtnr": "",
"WebPage": ""