01/21/17 Thu 16:57 Co: 4 H & H Distributing- NxTrend Technology arrt Oper: sld Page: 2A
Accounts Receivable Trial Balance Report
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Function: apebu Operator: bdj Date: 01/21/17 Time: 13:27
WARNING: Journal #: 223 is Currently Open for
Function: apebu Operator: glb Date: 01/21/17 Time: 10:29
Printed on 01/21/17, All Postings
Customer AR Balance
G/L Acct: 10-0-1100-00 Accounts Receivable
7 Hitchcock Hardware House 600.00
Account Totals: G/L: 0.00 600.00 G/L Low by 600.00 *
G/L Acct: 10-2-1100-00 Accounts Receivable
7 Hitchcock Hardware House 6422.99
Account Totals: G/L: 6372.99 6422.99 G/L Low by 50.00 *
Grand Totals: G/L: 6372.99 7022.99 G/L Low by 650.00 *
Customers Out of Balance:
Customer # Name
------------ ------------------------------
7 Hitchcock Hardware House
Total Out of Balance: 1