Product Entry Count Quantity Recalculation Report ranges and options


For more information, see Report ranges.



Specify a warehouse. The warehouse must be set up in Product Warehouse Description Setup. The warehouse must also be valid for the run number specified in the Run Number field.

Run Number

Specify a run number, which was assigned when count sheets were printed.

Subtract Committed from Qty Expected?

Select Yes and the Product Additional Bin Location Setup committed quantity is subtracted from the on hand quantity.

Select No to include the committed quantity in your count if, for example, you do not stage your committed quantities,

  • The on hand quantity is the basis for the quantity expected from the count. If you are performing a physical count, the total quantity expected includes unavailable inventory quantities for all unavailable reasons.

When this option is Yes, the expected quantities that were initially calculated and stored when count sheets were processed in Product Entry Physical Count Report, Product Entry Cycle Count Report, or Product Entry Storeroom Count Report are recalculated. The count sheets or tickets are not reprinted. This is helpful if the time between the generation of the count and the completion of the count is long enough that product levels may have changed. As a count progresses, the stored quantities may no longer be correct. If you select Yes to Update, the Product Entry Count Quantity Recalculation Report recalculates and updates the expected quantities.

Select No to run the report in reporting mode, meaning no updates are made to the expected count quantities. The original and newly calculated quantities will be printed on the report output only.

Note:  If you are counting products in a Storeroom-managed warehouse, you can only run Product Entry Count Quantity Recalculation Report in report mode. Updates to expected count quantities cannot be submitted to the Storeroom application after the Product Entry Storeroom Count Report is run. However, the report output shows the original expected quantity and cost values and the current (new) quantities and costs. You can use this to see which products on the count may have changed.