Vendor Ship From Setup - eCommerce field descriptions

The fields are listed alphabetically within each section. Click a link to advance to that section.

Document Send Types

eCommerce Settings

Payment and Bank

Supplier Access

Document Send Types

Purchase Orders (EDI 850)

Select a method by which to electronically send purchase orders.

Select Fax to fax purchase orders to the vendor. A copy is printed for your files when purchase orders are printed in Purchase Entry Processing Print Purchase Order.

Select EDI to send the document in the output format that is selected in the EDI FormatSA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Printing field for Purchase Orders in .

Select ION to generate SyncPurchaseOrder BODs that contain the information that is included in EDI 850 Purchase Order documents.

Select E-Mail to email purchase orders to the vendor. You must set up the vendor’s email address in Vendor Setup, Vendor Ship From Setup, or the Contact Manager context widget before you can send purchase orders in emails.

Note:  If this field is blank for the Vendor Ship From Setup record, the default output type is paper even if the corresponding Vendor Setup field contains a value.
Purchase Orders Send To

Indicate whether you want purchase orders sent to a ship from location or the vendor’s bill to address.

Your selection determines which email addresses are displayed if you choose E-mail in the Purchase Orders (EDI 850) field. If you select E-mail and then change the value in this field, the Purchase Orders (EDI 850) field is cleared.


Select a method by which to electronically send quotes.

Select Fax if you fax requests for quotes to this vendor. You can select whether to send the quote to the vendor or ship from.

Select E-mail to submit quotes by email. You must also set up the vendor’s email address in Vendor Setup, Vendor Ship From Setup, or the Contact Manager context widget before you can send quotes in emails.

Quotes Send To

field forIndicate whether you want quotes sent to a ship from location or the vendor’s bill to address.

Your selection determines which email addresses are displayed if you choose E-mail in the Quotes field. If you select E-mail and then change the value in this field, the Quotes field is cleared.

eCommerce Settings

EDI User 1-3

These fields are for custom EDI applications and are reported on Vendor Master List Report or Vendor Ship From Master List Report as appropriate.

Invoice Advanced Version

This field is required if you are using EDI for invoices. This is the ANSI X12 Version you are using with this trading partner.

Purchase Order Version

This field is required if you are using EDI for purchase orders. This is the ANSI X12 Version you are using with this trading partner.

Trading Partner

This field is required for EDI. This is the name of the trading partner for this vendor as defined in your EDI software.

Payment And Bank

Advance Control Number

This field is not currently used.

eCommerce Type

This field is not currently used. Leave it blank.

Supplier Access

Vendor Location ID

This ID is used to locate a Vendor Ship From Setup record when the Product Import response is returned. If the response does not contain a Vendor Location ID, or a Vendor Ship From Setup record cannot be located, then the response that is shown in Sales Order Entry is for the main vendor number without a ship from number.