Product Maintain Balance Entry field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order within each section.


Change Field

Select one of these values to indicate the balance to change:

Addon Cost Average Cost Backorder Committed
Core Market Cost Core Vendor Cost Customer On Hand Customer On Order
Customer Unavailable DATC Demand Foreign Replacement Cost
Last 852 Out Date Last Cost Last Count Date Last Foreign Cost
Last Invoice Date Last PO or WT Date Last Price Date Last Receipt Date
LIFO Base Year Cost On Hand On Order Rebate Cost
Receipts Received Replacement Cost Replacement Cost Date
Reserved Returns In Season Returns Out Season Standard Cost
Standard Cost Date Unavailable WT In Transit WT Received Requests
WT Ship Requests YTD - Issues

Specify the number of the product whose balance you want to change.


Specify the warehouse associated with the product. The product must be set up in the warehouse that you specify.


Your selection in the Change Field affects which fields are displayed in the page. If you select a date-related Change Field, a date field and a date picker are displayed. If you select a integer-related Change Field, a number field is displayed.


If you have selected an amount-related Change Field in the search, such as Average Cost, specify an amount value. For example, 10.00.


Click to clear and reset the value and reason fields.

Change By

Select the Change By option to change the selected balance by an amount. Specify a negative or positive amount in the field to the right of the options.


If you have selected a date-related Change Field in the search, specify an date value. A date picker is provided.

New Value

Select the New Value option to replace old (current) value of the selected balance. Then specify an amount in the adjacent field [0.00]. After you enter an amount, press Tab. The amount you entered is then displayed in the New Value field.

New Value

Not enterable. For information only. Shows the new balance.


If you have selected a integer-related Change Field in the search, such as # of Purchase Orders, specify an number value.

Old Value

Not enterable. For information only. Shows the current balance.


Specify a reason for the balance change.


After you specify a new value and a reason for the change, click Update. The change is saved to the record.

Maintain Balances grid


The date the balance was manually changed.

Field Changed

The name of the balance field that was changed.

New Value

The balance of the field after the change.

Old Value

The balance of the field before the change.


The initials of the operator who changed the balance.


The reason the balance was changed.


The time of day the balance was changed.