WL Entry Batch Adjust Inventory ranges and options


Stock/Unavail Adjustment - ICEPA/ICEU

Select Yes. The system scans WL Transaction Inquiry for active stock adjustments that were uploaded from TWL. For stocked items, the system opens a journal after it finds an item to process. It performs the necessary General Ledger postings, inventory updates, and function processing required.

For stocked items that are marked as unavailable items, the system completes the necessary processing. The interface controls the amount on the quantity being adjusted. It will adjust the unavailable quantity with the on hand quantity. If the adjustment from TWL is negative, then the quantity is moved out of unavailable to on hand. If the quantity is positive, then the quantity is added to unavailable and moved out of on hand.

Non-Stock Adjustment - ICEAN

Select Yes to process nonstock adjustments from TWL. The system creates the ICENH and ICENL records for processing nonstock adjustments. You must handle the record creation to change a nonstock to a stocked item through the Product Adjust Non-stock/Direct Order Entry function.

Bin Locations - ICSW

Product Warehouse Product Setup contains three of an item’s primary pick locations that you cannot access once a warehouse is live. This is because TWL controls an item’s primary pick locations.

Select Yes. This updates an item’s Product Warehouse Product Setup Bin Loc 1 with the split case location. It updates the Bin Loc 2 with the full case location, and the counter sale location the WL Setup view.

A Product Warehouse Product Setup record may be locked. If so, an exception prints and the transaction record is marked as an error. However, the bin location update will process when the report is run again.

WL Product Update - ICSW WL Setup

This setting allows updating of the fields in Product Warehouse Product Setup-WL Setup with modifications that occur dynamically from the RF system and the TWL system. The system-wide parameter 3613 must be active. If you select Yes, these fields are updated:

  • Inner Pack
  • Case Qty
  • Pallet Qty
  • Warehouse Zone [Whse Zone in Product Warehouse Product Setup]
  • Department [Kit Build Dept in Product Warehouse Product Setup]
Check for Locks Prior to Processing

Select Yes to review all WL Transaction Inquiry transactions for record locks. If a record lock exists on any transaction, they will all be skipped. This is because stock adjustments must be processed in the correct order to make sure they are accurately applied. The transaction will be picked up for the next processing run.