PI Administrator Build from Product Files ranges and options


Create from Whse (blank for all)

Specify a warehouse to build the import file from a specific warehouse's inventory. Leave this field blank to create an edit file [PI Entry Edit File] from all warehouse records.

Import Type

Specify the import type you want to create for this new product update file. We recommend you use import file definitions set up specifically for re-importing. That is, those in PI Import Definition Setup, PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup, and PI New Product Default Setup. These setup files can contain the pricing/cost multipliers and other default definitions that apply specifically to this new import file.

Build From (I)CSP I(C)SC (P)rev Updt

You can build the new product update file from Product Setup, or Product Catalog Setup, or from a previous product update file. If you select Previous Update, you must also specify the previous import type and update number. Only these products are used to build a new update file:

  • Products that have been updated to Product entity records [are inactive].
  • Products for which detail has been saved. That is, your Save Detail is set to Yes in PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup.

If you decide to build from Product Setup files, corresponding Product Warehouse Product Setup record information is also used.

Previous Import Type

If you decide to build from a previous update, specify the previous import type you are building from.

Previous Update#

If you decide to build from a previous update, specify the update number of the previous import file from which you are building.

From (U)pdated, (l)gnored, (B)oth

You can build from a previous import file. If so, you can build from only those records in the previous file that have been Updated to your Product entity records. Build from only those records that have been Ignored [inactive records]. That is, records that are still active in the update file are not used to build the new update file. Select Both to build the new product update file from both types of records.

Update # to Create

Specify the new update number for the file you are building. This should be a unique number to avoid duplicating import files.

Effective Date

Specify the effective date for the new product update file. This field is required. You cannot create a new product update file without effective dates for all products. If necessary, you can modify the effective date for each item in the new edit file in PI Entry Edit Product Update File.

Apply Price/Cost Multipliers

Select Yes to use the information on the Effective Date (MM/00/YY)PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup records. These records are set up for the import type and supplier group to automatically define the new product update file; as you would for a regular import file. Select No to define price/cost multipliers manually in PI Entry Edit Product Update File. If you are building from a previous update, selecting No leaves the results of the previous price/cost multipliers unchanged.

Allow Only One Active Import?

As with regular file importing in PI Administrator Import File, you can choose to allow only one active product file to exist on your system at a time. If you select No, more than one product update process at any given time is permitted by the system. Use caution if allowing more than one update process at a time. If products are updated out of sequence, this could result in incorrect product data.