SA Application Integration Endpoint Setup field descriptions

The fields are presented in alphabetic order.


Application ID

Specify the application ID, such as sxapi.

Application Name

Specify the name of the application you are configuring this endpoint for; for example, SXAPI Inbound.

From Logical ID

Specify the logical ID of the product instance. The logical ID is defined by the Infor cloud provisioning team. This value is not required for on-premises implementations.

Grant Type

Select a grant type. This field is displayed only if OAUTH_2 is selected in the Type field. In OAuth 2.0 authentication, a grant type is used to grant limited access to another application. These options are the most common grant types used for OAuth 2.0 authentication: None, Authorization Code, Client Credentials, Password, and Refresh Token. If you select Password, two additional fields are displayed: User Name and Password. Grant Type needs to be set to Password to use the Infor OS Authorization Service [Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le] with on-premises Distribution SX.e.

OATH Consumer Key

Specify the consumer key for this integration provided to you by Infor.

OATH Consumer Secret

Specify the consumer secret code for this integration provided to you by Infor.


This field is displayed when the Grant Type is Password. For the Infor OS Authorization Service, specify the password (sask) value from the downloaded ION API Authorization credentials. If you are connecting to an integrated application, this value should be provided by the integrated application.


Select the type of security authorization for this integration endpoint.

If you select Bypass OAuth Security in on-premises Distribution SX.e, the Application ID is the only other value that is required on the record.


Specify the URL of the integrated application.

Leave this field blank for inbound applications. The SX REST API service uses the URL that is sent with the inbound call for endpoint authentication.

User Name

This field is displayed when the Grant Type is Password. For the Infor OS Authorization Service, specify the user (saak) value from the downloaded ION API Authorization credentials. If you are connecting to an integrated application, this value should be provided by the integrated application.