Sales Freight Rate Setup field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order.
- Freight Rate
The freight charged based upon the weight limit designated for this line.
- Over Maximum Rate
The amount per pound that is used to calculate the freight if an order’s weight exceeds the maximum weight entered in the Maintain Freight Rates section.
For example: If the maximum weight limit is 100 lbs and the order weight is 120 lbs, the order freight is calculated by multiplying the order weight by the Over Maximum Rate amount.
- Sequence
The sequence number associated with a weight limit and rate. You can specify up to 500 sequences.
- Ship Via
The method used for shipping orders, such as FedEx or UPS.
- Warehouse
The warehouse if the freight rate is warehouse-specific.
- Weight Limit
The maximum weight that applies to the freight rate for a sequence. The weight limit represents the maximum limit for a freight rate and each subsequent entry’s range starts with the previous maximum limit entry.
For example, if the weight limit specified for sequence 1 is 50, then all shipments up to 50 lbs are assigned sequence 1 freight rate. If the weight limit specified for sequence 2 is 100, then all shipments between 51-100 pounds are assigned the freight rate for sequence 2. The system validates that each subsequent weight limit is larger than the previous entry. A zero weight entry identifies the end of the table.
- Zone
The zone designator that links the rates to a zone and carrier.
Alternate Ship Via
These fields are displayed only when the Alternate Ship Via option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings screen is enabled.
You can either enter the freight rate records manually or import from an Excel spreadsheet. You must set up Sales Freight Rate Setup records prior to setting up associated Sale Freight Zone Setup records. You can set up Sales Freight Rate Setup records for a specific warehouse, or, for all warehouses if the Warehouse field is blank. Optionally, you can group freight rate records with a specific Alternate Ship Via Group. The Zone field, whether blank or contains a value, is considered a match to those Sales Freight Zone Setup records that have the same zone value.
- Alternate Ship Via Group
- Specify the alternate ship via group. This is an optional field. Use
this field to associate the freight rate records with a specific Alternate Ship Via Group record that you
created in the SA Table Code Value Setup screen. You cannot
use an alternate ship via group in order entry because it is a group of ship via
and not a usable ship via by itself.
If you specify an alternate ship via group in order entry, then alternate ship via list is displayed. This list consists of ship vias for which the Sales Freight Rate Setup records have the same alternate ship via group value that you specified, and which are valid based on associated Sales Freight Zone Setup records.
- Display in Order Entry
- By default, this check box is clear. When you select this option, it
indicates that this ship via is displayed as an alternate ship via in the
alternate ship via list in the Sales Order Entry screen.
If this option is not selected, then this record is not displayed be in the alternate ship via list in the Sales Order Entry screen. You can evaluate the associated Sales Freight Zone Setup records to determine if the ship via is valid. If it is a valid ship via, then you can successfully specify the ship via manually in Sales Order Entry even if it is not displayed in the alternate ship via list.
- Fallback Ship Via
- Specify the fallback ship via that must be used when this
Sales Freight Rate Setup record’s associated
Sale Freight Zone Setup records cannot be matched to an
order’s values.
This is an optional field. If this field is blank, then the value in the Review Ship Via field in the Product Warehouse Description Setup screen is considered the fallback ship via.
Use the Ship Via field in the SA Table Code Value Setup screen to set up the fallback ship via at the company level. Unlike the Review Ship Via field, the fallback ship via is a valid ship via. Generally, orders that have the review ship via assigned are scrutinized and the review ship via is changed to a valid ship via.
If the fallback ship via is displayed in the alternate ship via list and selected by the user, then the ship via is taken as valid regardless of alternate ship via functionality and evaluation. However, when selecting a fallback ship via from the list, if you manually display the alternate ship via list using the
button, then that fallback ship via is evaluated. If the fallback ship via is not valid, then it is not displayed in the list, and you must select a valid alternate ship via from the list.If you manually enter a fallback ship via which is not valid, then the alternate ship via list is displayed even if that fallback ship via was in the list from a prior invalid ship via entry.
- Validate Against Zip Code
- By default, this check box is clear. When you select this option, it
indicates whether the Sales Freight Rate Setup record’s
associated Sales Freight Zone Setup records are used for
further validation against an order’s shipping zip code.
If this check box is clear, then this record’s ship via is a valid alternate ship via record and you can specify it in the Ship Via field in the Sales Order Entry screen, either manually entered or selected from the alternate ship via list, for orders with the matching warehouse.