SA Index Rebuild Report ranges and options
- Table: (All) or Single Table Name
Specify All to rebuild all Elasticsearch index tables, or specify the name of an individual table or group of tables.
This list shows the individual table names:
- apet
- apss
- apsv
- aret
- arsc
- arss
- contacts
- crsb
- icenh
- icsc
- icsd
- icsec
- icseu
- icsl
- icsp
- icsw
- item
- kpet
- oeeh
- poeh
- sabs
- sasgt
- sasta
- vaeh
- whmst
- wteh
This list shows the group names that you can specify and the tables in each group:
- codes: contacts, icseu, icsl, sabs, sasgt, and sasta
- transactions: apet, aret, kpet, oeeh, poeh, vaeh, and wteh
- entities: apss, apsv, arsc, arss, crsb, icsd, and whmst
- products: icenh, icsc, icsec, icsp, icsw, and item
- Number of Days Into the Past to Read (0 = All)
Use this option to limit updates to the Elasticsearch index database, based on the number of days. One day equals the 24-hour period before the report is run.
Specify a value other than 0 to review the tables from the main transaction database for changes that occurred within the specified time frame. Retain the default value of 0 to review the tables from the main transaction database in their entirety.
- Force Delete Data from Elasticsearch before Loading
- Use this option to remove the existing Elasticsearch data from the Elasticsearch server before the new data is loaded. To remove the data, you must specify All for the Table: (All) or Single Table Name option and 0 for the Number of Days Into the Past to Read (0 = All) option.