Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report ranges and options
These are descriptions of the ranges and options for the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report.
See Report ranges
- Whse
All products received for the warehouse indicated are allocated or printed on the Allocation Report.
- (F)ill, (A)llocate or (S)ave Allocate
Specify if you want to actually fill or simply print the Allocation Report. If you specify Fill, the title on the report is
Allocation/Fill Report
. If you specify Allocate or Save, the report title is Allocation Report. Each selection is described in detail, below. - Fill
As this function runs, it fills all back orders, Ship Complete, Tag & Hold orders, and orders tied to purchase orders or warehouse transfers according to the fill method you select for the Fill (O)rder Compl, (L)ine Compl, (A)ll option. The report title is
Allocation/Fill Report
. When you set this option to Fill, only those receipts records with the operator's initials are used to fill back orders. - Allocate
The Allocate Report prints from this function instead of actually filling the back orders. The Allocate Report provides you with the back orders and quantities that would have been filled if you had specified Fill. The Allocate Report allows you to review each back order before it is actually filled so you can make any necessary priority modifications. After you make changes, you can manually perform Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report again and actually fill the back orders. The report title is
Allocation Report
. - Save Allocate
The operator's initials are stored with the receipts record that is allocated to fill a back ordered item in the Product module. Each operator can then run their own Back Order Fill first to produce an allocation report, then later to fill back orders. If another operator ran this function in the meantime, they would not pick up the first operator's receipt records and fill orders. The report title is
Allocation Report
.The fill type can also be set in SA Admin Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders so back order fill occurs automatically after products are received in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry or Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry. The Action to Take on Completion of Receiving option in SA Admin Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders can be set to:
- Fill back orders
- Print an allocation report
- Print an allocation report and save the operator's initials on the receipts records
- Print Pick Tickets?
You can print pick tickets automatically after filling back orders. User-defined back order limits are defined in SA Admin Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders.
Unless a back order meets the chosen criteria, pick ticket printing is suppressed. This criteria only applies to back orders filled through Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report. The SA Admin Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders criteria does not apply to a back order with an attached back order. The pick ticket print selection criteria pertains to the items on the back order that are ready to ship, based on the Threshold Criteria Type field setting in SA Admin Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders:
- Amount Minimum
Specify the minimum amount in the Threshold field. If you specify
, the pick ticket always prints. If the order total is less than the minimum amount, the pick ticket still prints. - Unit Minimum
If the Threshold field is
, the picket ticket always prints. If the order’s total number of stocking units is less than the cutoff, the pick ticket prints. - Pct of Amount
This represents the percent of number of stocking units for the entire back order. Specify 100 in the Threshold field to print complete pick tickets.
- Pct of Unit
This represents the percent of number of stocking units for the entire back order. Specify 100 in the Threshold field to print complete pick tickets.
In addition to the above criteria, the Approval Type must also be yes.
If you are printing pick tickets from Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report, the Saturday and Sunday fields in Product Warehouse Description Setup are used to determine when the order should be picked. If a stored report exists in Sales Entry Print Pick Tickets Report, the Reserve Inventory Before Printing option in SA Admin Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders overrides the Reserve Inventory Before Picking option on the stored report.
The Print Order option in Sales Entry Print Pick Tickets Report is overridden by the Print Order option on the Update window.
- Print Order: (R)oute or (O)rder #
Specify Route to print pick tickets in route/day/stop order.
Specify Order # to print in order number order.
- Fill (O)rder Compl, (L)ine Compl, (A)ll
For Direct Orders (DO) and nonstock/special orders and order ties, only (A)ll applies.
Specify Order Compl to do the full-order fill. If an entire order cannot be filled, none of the line items on the order are filled. Avoid this option if you have a large number of line items per order. The Auto BO Fill field in Product Warehouse Product Setup is not used for this option.
Specify Line Compl to check each line item individually to determine if the total quantity available can cover the quantity ordered. If it can, the quantity shipped is increased to equal the quantity ordered. If it cannot be completely filled, the line is skipped.
Specify All to distributed the total available quantity to back orders, Ship Complete, and Tag & Hold orders until it is completely used or all orders are filled. If line items can only be partially filled with the remaining total available quantity, the quantity shipped is increased to equal the total available quantity, and a new back order is created if requested by the customer (Ship Complete or Tag & Hold orders are excluded). If your Allow Partial Sale option in SA Admin Options-Products-Defaults is selected, partial quantities (fractional amounts) default as the quantity shipped. A new back order is created for the remaining partial quantity not shipped. A message prints on the Back Order Fill report indicating a back order was created.
- Include Substitutes/Supersedes?
Select Yes to also fill substitutes and superseded products.
The original product you ordered might not be available for you to fill orders with and your vendor may fill your orders with substitutes and supersedes without your immediate knowledge. For each product received, Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup is checked to determine all products that will accept the received product as a substitute or supersede. Your customer must accept substitute products as indicated on their Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup record.
The Fill Subs and Supersedes option in SA Admin Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders must be selected to perform this function. Substitutes and supersedes are filled after the received product has filled all outstanding back orders, Ship Complete, and Tag & Hold orders and there is a quantity left over to use for substitutes or supersedes. Back orders and warehouse transfer orders can be filled with substitute and supersede products.
If you select Yes to fill substitutes or supersedes, the Method for Automatic Fill option in SA Admin Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders you selected for the regular products applies to the substitute and supersede product.
If a product is substituted when it is received through Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry or Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry, the order tied to the line is not filled and an exception is printed on the report. You must fill the order manually when the back ordered PO or WT is filled. Special order items (order as needed) are still filled, however, even if they are substituted or superseded.
Back orders, Ship Complete, and Tag & Hold orders or line items must qualify under the following criteria before they are substituted:
- The order status must be active.
- The stage must be Stage 1 (Ordered) or Stage 2 (Picked) for Ship Complete and Tag & Hold orders.
- The order type must be Stock Order (SO) or Blanket Release (BR).
- The order is currently not in use by another operator.
- The customer must accept substitutes.
- A back order cannot exist for the line item.
- The line items cannot be Specials or Lost Business.
- The quantity shipped must equal zero.
- The received product cannot be a build-on-demand kit.
- The product cannot be transferred from an alternate warehouse.
- If the line item has a PO or WT number and the purchase order or warehouse transfer has not been received, the line cannot be filled.
- The unit and conversion factor for the substitute and line item must match.
- The DATC charges for the product and substitute must match.
- The core charges for the product and substitute must match.
- The taxable status for the product and substitute must match.
- The Product Price Type must match.
- The special costing factor must be identical.
Your vendor might occasionally send you superseded products. These products do not involve all the substitute qualifications previously listed. Superseded products do not require identical product surcharges, tax, price type or core charges to be valid.
Supersede and substitute line items are recosted and repriced based on the new product. If a new price is used, it is compared to the SA Order Addons Tables Setup Min Chg and Zero Lev fields.
For products with an Product Warehouse Product Setup order-as-needed status or a Direct Order (DO) type, substitutions or supersedes occur if the following conditions exist:
- The Substitute field on the Sales Order Entry or Transfer Entry header is selected, or the order is a Direct Order (DO).
- The product's Status field in Product Warehouse Product Setup is set to Order as Needed.
- This option is set to Yes.
If surcharges, core charges, or taxing information differs for the substitute or supersede product, the back order is still filled, but an exception prints on the exceptions report. The exception is indicated by a - DO. Make any necessary changes to the substitute or supersede product manually.
- Printer for Allocation Report
Indicate the name of the printer to which the allocation report should print, or click
. You can print to a printer, fax, file, e-mail, or Report Viewer. The printer field in the report banner is used to print pick tickets; therefore, designate a different printer for the allocation report. - Move/Delete: (B)oth, (N)either, (M)ove
If you indicate to print the Allocation Report or Receipts Report from Back Order Fill instead of filling back orders, indicate if you want to move the received quantity to on hand and delete the receipts records, only move the received quantity, or neither.
Initially, when a PO or WT is received, the quantity received increases. Based on the options in SA Admin Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders, the quantity received may be moved to on hand at the end of a receiving session. Either way, Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report uses quantity available and quantity received to fill orders. If you generate Back Order Fill from receiving functions, your back orders are filled before the stock is depleted from new sales orders.
Specify Move to move the quantity received to the quantity on hand. To manually allocate the received quantities to the proper back orders, you should indicate to move the quantity received to on hand. When you manually allocate, the quantities allocated are added to the quantity reserved or committed. Once the order is invoice processed, the quantities are subtracted from the quantity on hand. Therefore, the quantity received should be moved to the quantity on hand before you start allocating, or there will not be enough available to reserve.
If you print the Allocation Report initially for review, then manually perform Back Order Fill again, you may not want to move the quantity received to the quantity on hand because the report automatically does it for you once all back orders have been filled and there is a quantity received left over. However, Back Order Fill will fill back orders based on the quantity received plus the net available. If the quantity received does get moved to the quantity on hand when the Allocation Report prints, there is a risk that Sales Order Entry may decrease the net available to less than the quantities you actually received before you have a chance to perform Back Order Fill. This danger is avoided if you do not move the quantity received and let Back Order Fill move the extra quantities once all back orders are filled.
Specify Both to perform both the move and delete functions. Refer to the Move description above. Once the Allocation Report has completed printing, you can delete the receipts records. If you always manually allocate products received or simply place received products into inventory, delete the receipts records after the Allocation Report.
Specify Neither so that after the Allocation Report has completed printing, the quantity received remains intact as well as the receipts records.
- Fill Alternate Whse Orders?
If an alternate warehouse is selected in Sales Order Entry, the order is filled for the alternate warehouse if the Fill Alternate Warehouse Orders option in SA Admin Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders is selected. This parameter will default during Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry in the alternate warehouse.
- Recreate Receipts Records?
Select this option to scan through Product Warehouse Product Setup records before Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report is generated and identify products with a back order quantity greater than 0 and a net available balance greater than 0. The records created are used to fill orders. To create records for the following items, select Yes:
- Quantity back ordered or quantity demand greater than 0.
- Net available greater than 0.
- Not a kit product.
- Product is active or superseded (not labor or inactive).
- Warehouse match based on option 1.
- A receipts record does not currently exist for the warehouse/product.
Receipts records are only recreated for the operator who performed receiving in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry.
- Print PO/WT/KP#'s On Tied Lines
Select Yes to print the purchase order number, warehouse transfer number, or KP work order number on those line items that are tied to these documents. This number is printed on the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report under the line item. This assists in researching the document this back order is tied to.
Select No if you do not want to have this number printed on the report.
Note: The defaults for the above options can be set by your system administrator in SA Admin Options-System-Reports to reflect the settings you would select most of the time. These defaults are used when Back Order Fill is generated automatically from Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry or Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry. - Print Non JIT Order on Requested Date?
Indicate if you want to print Non JIT orders based on the requested date instead of the promised date.
Select Yes to use the requested date, which you must specify for the If ‘yes’, Requested Date option.
Select No to use the default promised date.
- If ‘yes’, Requested Date
If you selected Yes to indicate that you wanted to print non JIT orders based on the requested date, specify the requested date in this field.
in the day field to go back up to 7 days. For example, if you specify**/-7/**
the system uses the current date less 7 days for the date. - Print 2nd Receipt Detail Line?
Indicate if you want to print a second detail line on the Receipt report. The second bin location and product description 2 is printed on this line.