SM Vendor Sales History Report ranges and options
- Fiscal Year (Enter 4 digits. EX: 1995)
Specify the fiscal year. If you are processing report format 2, specify the first year to compare. For example, to compare the current year to last year, specify the current year in this field.
- 4 Digit Previous Year (Default Fiscal -1)
Use this option for report format 2 only.
The default value for this field is one year less than the fiscal year in the previous option. The default value is not displayed, but it will print on the report when processed.
- Report # (1-4 Std, Others Custom)
Specify the format for the report. Custom reports are set up in SA Administrator Options-System-Report Items.
Do not confuse custom reports with stored reports. Stored reports are reports that are scheduled to run at specific times and within the same specific parameters each time.
- Show (D)etail, (S)ubtotals, (G)rand Only
To analyze trends and recognize discrepancies, select one of these values to print subtotals or grand totals:
- Specify D to include these results:
- Inside sales reps and their individual totals
- Outside sales reps and their individual totals
- Specify S to include summary totals. If you run this report for a specified time frame, selecting this option provides total sales values for inside and outside sales reps.
- SpecifyG to print grand totals only.
Not all report formats offer the same level of detail. For example, on some report formats, the summary can include individual products, or only subtotals.
- Specify D to include these results:
- (U)nt, (N)et, (D)isc, (C)ost, (B)dgt, (M)argn
For report formats 1 through 3, you can display total for one of these values:
- U: Units sold
- N: Net sales
- D: Discounts
- C: Cost of sales
- B: Budget
- M: Margin