PI Edit Product Update Entry field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order within each section.

Grid columns

Description 1

The item's description from the Description 1 field on the Product Catalog Setup or Product Setup record is displayed. If it is a new product, the Description 1 that is defined in PI New Product Default Setup is displayed. The description fields are not enterable. They can be changed on the Full Product window.

Description 2

The description from the Description 2 field on the Product Catalog Setup or Product Setup record is displayed, if one exists. If it is a new product, the Description 2 field that is defined in PI New Product Default Setup is displayed. This can be changed on the Full Product window.

New Base

This is the new base price as calculated using the multipliers defined in PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup. You can edit the price in the field or in the Full Product window. If you are showing the old price or cost, this field is not enterable.

New Flags

The field provides information about what records are updated or not updated. For example, this field may contain ICSC:n ICSP:u ICSW:u. The acronym on the left of the colon refers to Catalog, Product, and Warehouse records. The character on the right side indicates whether that record is Created, Updated, or Neither. If the character to the right of the Warehouse flag is uppercase, multiple warehouses are affected during the update. These flags default to the settings in PI New Product Default Setup. Only a Create flag can be changed [in the Full Product window] by clearing the options Create ICSC, Create ICSP, or Create ICSW. The Neither and Update flags cannot be changed.

New List

The new list price is calculated using the multipliers defined in PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup. You can edit the price in the field, or in the Full Product window. If you are showing the old price or cost, this field is not enterable.

Price Type

The price type autopopulates from the Product Catalog Setup or Product Warehouse Product Setup record, but can be changed. If this is a new product, the price type set up on the PI New Product Default Setup record autopopulates. If this field is changed, it must be a valid price type set up in SA Table Code Value Setup, or else left blank. If this field is blank, and the product is new, a price type is not assigned when the Product entity record is created. If this field is blank, and the product already exists in the Product entity, the price type on the existing record is not changed when updated.


The Product field is not an enterable field. This is the product number from the Product entity files and cannot be changed unless this is a new product. Product numbers for new products can be changed on the Full Product window. If you must change a product number after it is imported, you can do so in Product Administration Change Product Report. Any changes in Product Administration Change Product Report affect the PI Entry Edit File.

Product Category

The product category from the Product Catalog Setup or Product Setup for this product autopopulates, but can be changed. If changed, it must be a valid product category set up in SA Table Code Value Setup. If it is a new product, the product category from the PI New Product Default Setup record autopopulates. The product category can be changed, but cannot be left blank. This field is required for updating Product Setup records. This field can also be viewed and changed on the Full Product window.

Product Line

The product line is displayed on the second line of information for each line item. It autopopulates from the Product Catalog Setup or Product Warehouse Product Setup record, or from the PI New Product Default Setup record for new products. It can be changed, but it is a required field and cannot be left blank. If changed, it must be a valid product line set up in Product Lines Setup.

SL Group

The supplier group for this line item is displayed, but is not enterable. This is the supplier group for this product from the Product Catalog Setup or Product Setup record. If this is a new product, the supplier group set up in PI New Product Default Setup for this vendor code/line code is displayed. The supplier group can be changed on the Full Product window.

Status Code

The Status Code indicates the status of this line item: Update, Hold, Ignore, Delete, or Error. You can change this field by selecting a different code from the drop-down list. You can also click Update Status Code to access the Update Status Code window. When you first access the update file for editing, this code autopopulates for each line item. The value depends on the default set up in PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup for each supplier group.

  • Delete: The line item is deleted from the update file during PI Entry Update Products, and the product is not updated. It is not available on any reports or inquiries.

  • Error: The line item experienced errors during the import process. This places the record on hold and it is not updated until you manually reset the code to Update. Causes of errors in line items are usually due to an invalid product line or product category. An error may also be due to calculated prices or costs that are less than zero or are an unknown value ("?"). Items with an error status should be investigated before you proceed with the update process.

  • Hold: The line item is placed on hold. Your Product entity file is not updated by this item until the update code is manually set to Update. If the item is on hold when you start editing the update file, you should investigate the reason before changing it.

  • Ignore: The line item is ignored. This means your Product entity record is not updated by this item. Instead, it remains in the update file. It is not deleted unless you indicate that it should be deleted. Indicate this by setting the Save Detail option to Update only or Neither [updated nor ignored records] in PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup. The update code must be manually set to Update before files are updated by this item. When this file is updated in PI Entry Update Products, records with an Ignore status can no longer be edited.

  • Update: The line item is updated to the catalog, product, or warehouse product files during PI Entry Update Products according to the effective date. This depends on the PI New Product Default Setup record for this vendor code/line code.

Vendor #

You can change the Vendor # and is useful if you often update the Product Line for validation.

Vendor Name

Used in conjunction with the Vendor #.


The Warehouse field is not enterable. The warehouse is assigned from the PI Price Cost Multipliers Setup default record for the supplier group. If no PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup record was set up for a warehouse for this item's supplier group, this field is blank. An "@cat" in this field indicates only Product Catalog Setup files are updated/ created. If the calculation code on the PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup record is PB, PL, PR, or PS [current price or cost], a different line item is created in the update file for each warehouse with a different price or cost. This is because each warehouse may have different prices or costs.