Product Inventory Core Analysis Report ranges and options
- (I)mplied, (C)ustomer or (D)irty Cores
Specify I to include remanufactured products that are calculated by adding the available and unavailable quantities in Product Warehouse Product Setup. The quantity is multiplied by the implied market cost to determine the inventory value.
Specify C to include the outstanding dirty core products by customers. Outstanding dirty cores are calculated by subtracting the allocated quantity in Product Adjust Core Allocation Entry from the master quantity in Product Adjust Core Master Entry. The quantity is multiplied by the implied market cost to determine the inventory value.
Specify D to include dirty core products that are calculated by adding the available and unavailable quantities in Product Warehouse Product Setup. The quantity is multiplied by the dirty market cost to determine the inventory value.
- Sort By (W)hse or (V)endor
Specify W to sort products by warehouse. Specify V to sort products by vendor.
- Print (D)etail or (T)otals Only
Specify D to include detailed information. Specify T to include only subtotals by warehouse and a grand total for all warehouses.