SM Government Tax Analysis Report ranges and options


See Ranges.


Options are listed in the order they are presented.

(O)utstanding or (D)ue (Cash Basis Only)

This option is influenced by what accounting method you select in the Cash or Accrual setting in SA Company Setup-Taxes-Tax Settings-Tax Analysis. You must select Cash(O)utstanding to print orders in stage 4 [Invoiced] on the report, within the before this option only applies. Select Invoice Date range entered. Select (D)ue to print only those invoiced orders which have been paid [stage 5], either partially or fully, during the selected Paid Date range.

Print Invoice Detail Lines?

If you select Yes before this, a separate line is printed for each invoice and includes the invoice number, invoice date, paid date, customer number, warehouse, and order type, and the sales amount, provincial tax amount, and GST/HST tax amount.

Select No to print the totals for each selected jurisdiction only. Grand totals will print for all tax groups, tax authorities, provinces, along with a grand total for the company.

Combine Sales and Addons

Select No to report invoices and addons as separate line items for each invoice.

If the addon is taxable, the taxable amount is displayed in the Taxable Addons amount row.

If it is nontaxable, zero is displayed in the Non-Taxable Addons amount row.

Use Current Tax Rates?

Select Yes to recalculate the taxes using the current tax rates defined for your jurisdictions in the various setups.

Select No to use the tax amounts from the sales order. This is recommended if rates have changed for a jurisdiction. You can run the report for orders with an invoice date that falls before the rate change.

Page Break Between Totals?

Select Yes to print the report with page breaks between provinces and before the grand totals are printed.