Sales Credit Release Inquiry - Header field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order.

Added COD
Specify an amount to apply an additional C.O.D. amount to the order. You can specify an amount only when the Cash on Delivery (C.O.D.) option is selected.
Address Override
The Address Override setting is displayed for information only. The Address Override setting is part of the Address Validation feature that ensures the address is valid for taxing. The Address Validation pop-up shows the current address side-by-side with the suggested third-party address. Third-party address is available with AvaTax and Vertex Cloud. This override makes the tax calculation with a General Delivery address to avoid an error. This is beneficial when the address is not in the United States Postal Service (USPS) database yet, such as with new construction.

The approval status of the order is displayed in this field. If the value is something other than y, the order is on hold and cannot be further processed until the hold(s) is removed.

The Approval field functions differently depending on whether you use legacy hold codes or operational hold codes. Your ability to process hold codes depends on your operator security. If you use legacy hold codes, the value in this field can be y or a valid hold code. If you use operational hold codes, the value in this field is either y or n. You cannot edit this field directly. Operational hold codes are released on the Operational Hold Code Approval page, which is accessed by clicking the right arrow if present. The value in this field changes to y after the last operational hold code is released.

If you approve an order (take the order off hold), the sales order is validated against Product Restrictions Setup records to prevent restricted products from being sold to an unauthorized customer. Unless a restricted product on a sales order line is already overridden or sent to lost business, each line is validated against the restriction records to determine if the products can be sold to the customer. The ship to address and the ship date are also validated. If a product restriction applies to the order, an error message is displayed. Restricted product errors must be addressed in Sales Order Entry.
Cash on Delivery (C.O.D.)
Select this field if the order requires cash on delivery. You can specify an addon amount for the order in the Added COD field.
Specify any shipping-related comments.
International Approval
Specify Yes in the International Approval field. You must use the Personalize feature to add the International Approval field to the user interface.
Displays the name of the customer for the order.
Ship Via
Specify the form of transportation to use to ship the order. The default value is from the customer or ship to record, but you can override it. If you interface with a 3rd party shipping application or TWL, this value is required.
Displays the current order stage.
The terms for this order. Terms include this information:
  • The method of payment that you accept
  • The length of time before an invoice is due
  • Cash discounts for payment by the designated date

Displays the order type.