Environmental Handling Fees Exemptions Setup field descriptions
Use Product Environmental Handling Fees Exemption Setup to create and maintain a customer-level environmental handling fee (EHF) exemptions. Fields are presented in alphabetical order.
- Addon #
Optional. Specify the addon number assigned to this product in SA Order Entry Addons Setup with a valid geographical location value.
- Certificate #
Optional. Specify the certificate number. Use this field if the governmental entity who administrates the EHF issues exemption certificates.
- Customer
Specify a valid customer number. The customer must already be set up in Customer Setup.
- End Date
Optional. Specify the date that the exemption expires. The value must be blank or greater than/equal to the Start Date.
- Product
Optional. Specify a product. The product must already be set up in Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup.
- Ship To
Optional. Leave blank or specify a valid shipto number. The shipto must already be set up in Customer ShipTo Setup.
- Start Date
Specify the date that the exemption became effective.
- State
Optional. Specify the geographical location the EHF originates from. The location must already be set up in SA Sales Use Taxes Setup [State] or SA Goods and Services Taxes Setup [Province].