Environmental Handling Fees Exemptions Setup field descriptions

Use Product Environmental Handling Fees Exemption Setup to create and maintain a customer-level environmental handling fee (EHF) exemptions. Fields are presented in alphabetical order.

Addon #

Optional. Specify the addon number assigned to this product in SA Order Entry Addons Setup with a valid geographical location value.

Certificate #

Optional. Specify the certificate number. Use this field if the governmental entity who administrates the EHF issues exemption certificates.


Specify a valid customer number. The customer must already be set up in Customer Setup.

End Date

Optional. Specify the date that the exemption expires. The value must be blank or greater than/equal to the Start Date.


Optional. Specify a product. The product must already be set up in Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup.

Ship To

Optional. Leave blank or specify a valid shipto number. The shipto must already be set up in Customer ShipTo Setup.

Start Date

Specify the date that the exemption became effective.


Optional. Specify the geographical location the EHF originates from. The location must already be set up in SA Sales Use Taxes Setup [State] or SA Goods and Services Taxes Setup [Province].