Vendor Cash Flow Report ranges and options
See Report ranges.
- Beginning Date For Invoice Analysis
Specify the start date for the first period. The size of the periods are determined from the beginning date and the number of days between dates. A total of three periods are printed as is a column for early and beyond invoices. The due date on each invoice is used to determine in which period it should be included.
Specify a number between -1 and -7 in the day field to go back up to 7 days. For example, if you specify **/-7/**, the current date less 7 days is calculated for the date.
- # Of Days Between Dates
Indicate the length of the three periods printed on the report. Periods can be any size and start on the beginning date you specified in the previous option.
Beginning Date 01/01/00
Earlier Up to and including 01/01/00
Period 1 01/02/00 - 01/31/00
Period 2 02/01/00 - 02/29/00
Period 3 03/01/00 - 03/31/00
Beyond 03/31/00 and beyond
All invoices with due dates on or before the beginning date are included in the earlier column. Those invoices with due dates greater than or equal to the starting date for Period 1, but less than or equal to the ending date of Period 1 are included in the Period 1 column.
This logic holds true for Period 2 and Period 3. All invoices due after the ending date of Period 3 are included in the beyond column. All miscellaneous credits and disputed invoices print in their respective columns.
The net amount of each invoice is the original amount less any payments that have already been made.
- Print (D)etail, (S)ummary, or (T)otals
Use this option to control the amount of detail shown on the report.
Specify D and individual invoices and transactions print for each vendor or customer with a total line for each vendor or customer. A total line is printed with totals for all vendors or customers, and a grand total is displayed at the end of the report.
Specify S to display a total line for each vendor and/or customer, as well as a total line for all vendors and/or customers and a grand total at the end of the report.
Specify T and individual vendors and customers are not displayed. Only grand totals of anticipated payments and anticipated receipts are displayed.
- A/P (L)iab, A/R (C)ash Flow, or (B)oth
Specify L to show only Accounts Payable liabilities.
Specify C to show only Accounts Receivable cash flow.
Specify B to determine your true net cash flow.
- Print Detail Reference?
Select Yes to print the references associated with each vendor and customer invoice. You must also specify Din the Print (D)etail, (S)ummary, or (T)otals option. If you do not, then this option is ignored.
The references are displayed under the detail invoice line. The report is lengthened because an extra line might print for each invoice.