Product Customer Reservation/Forecast Setup - Detail field descriptions
Field are presented in alphabetic order in each sections.
Product Search
- Product
Specify the product you are searching for.
- Allowed Pull Quantity
For a customer reservation record, select this option to list only those product reservations where the Allowed Pull Quantity option is selected.
- Demand Quantity
For a customer reservation record, select this option to list only those product reservations that have a Back Order Quantity in Product Warehouse Product Setup.
Product Detail
- Pull Quantity
Select this option to allow other customer/shiptos reservations to pull from the Reserved Quantity of this reservation; in other words, to borrow from this reservation. When a customer sales rep adds a line item for a product with an active reservation record during Sales Order Entry, and the current reservation record is short, they can click to see other customer reservations for the product and pull the ordered quantity from a reservation where this option is selected and sufficient quantity exists.
- Created Date
This date is updated by the system when the record is first created.
- Expected Run Rate %
For customer forecasts only, the percent of forecast you anticipate the customer will actually purchase. The expected run rate percent is a factor in recommended replenishment calculations.
- ICSW Demand Quantity
This is the Back Order Quantity for this product from Product Warehouse Product Setup. This is helpful to know in case the Required Quantity or Reserved Quantity is greater than this amount. If the Replenish Stock option is selected, the product will be recommended for replenishment when your buyer reviews it in Purchase Demand Center Entry or Transfer Demand Center Entry.
- ICSW Net Available
This is the net available for this product from Product Warehouse Product Setup.
- Last Invoice Date
This is the date the product last appeared on a sales order that was processed in Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report.
- (Month) Forecast
For customer forecasts only, the forecasted quantity for each of the twelve months of the forecast is shown.
- Product
The reservation or forecast product. Click the product number link to access the Product Inquiry.
- Replenish
Select this option if the Required Quantity needs to be available to the customer at all times. If selected, this product is included when your buyer reviews recommended product replenishment amounts in Purchase Demand Center Entry or Transfer Demand Center Entry. If this option is not selected, the product is not considered for replenishment when available quantities drop below the Reserved Quantity.
If you are not replenishing stock, make sure that there is enough existing stock in inventory when you first create the reservation record; otherwise, the normal Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report process will not recommend replenishing the quantity that is short. You can, however, use the Product Customer Reservation Report to identify products that are short and are not set to replenish. When stock is available again to fill the reservation, you can remove the product from the reservation record and re-add it. This resets the Reserved Quantity on the reservation record.
- Required Quantity
Specify the contractual quantity that must be available to the customer.
- Reserved Quantity
This is the quantity in the system that is currently reserved for this reservation record. When you first create and activate a reservation record, it reflects the Required Quantity unless that exceeds the Net Available quantities of the product in Product Warehouse Product Setup. When a sales line is created or updated, the Reserved Quantity is decreased by the order quantity. When the product is replenished, it is increased to meet the Required Quantity.
When you are creating a new customer product reservation, we recommend that you leave this field blank. The system updates this field automatically when you create the record as an ‘active’ reservation. At that time, the system pulls this quantity (or whatever is available) from the product’s Net Available amount in Product Warehouse Product Setup. This immediately reserves this quantity for the customer, and makes it unavailable to other orders. As orders are entered for the product/customer/shipto, the system continues to pull the needed amount from the Net Available to maintain or “top off” the Reserved Quantity. If the full Reserved Quantity is not available in Product Warehouse Product Setup, the amount that is short is considered when your buyer reviews product replenishment requirements in Purchase Demand Center Entry or WT Demand Center Entry, if you selected the Replenish Stock option.
We recommend you allow the system to update this field automatically as described in the previous paragraph. When you run Product Warehouse Inventory Audit Report to balance your inventory records, you can view all active reservations by product and warehouse, including the Reserved Quantity. If you need to correct an out-of-balance situation, you can make a manual adjustment to this amount. You must have security in SA Operator Setup to edit this field. The option, Allow User to Change Master Balances, must be selected in order to change the amount in this field when you create or maintain a reservation record.
- Total Expected
The total quantity the customer has committed to or is expected to purchase.
- Total Sold
This is a total quantity of actual sales of this product since the record’s start date. This amount is updated by the system when a sales order is invoiced. For a customer reservation, when the contract expires, you can compare this total to the Total Expected Quantity to see if your customer met their contractual agreement.