OT Transaction Entry - Details - Total field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order.
- Actual Arrival
The actual date that the vessel arrived in the domestic port. This must not be a future date. This date can also be updated by OT Vessel Entry. The stage of the tracking document moves to 4-Arrived when this date is entered.
- Actual Container Empty
When the purchase order lines associated with the tracking document are received in Purchase Entry Receipt of Inventory, it populates the Actual Whse Unload date. Then, the Actual Container Empty and Actual Container Out dates are available for entry. Specify the date the container was empty and ready to return to the shipper. The stage of the tracking document moves to 8-Empty when this date is entered.
- Actual Demurrage
The actual date on which you will incur demurrage charges, if the container is left at the domestic port. This must not be a future date. The stage of the tracking document moves to 5-Demurrage when this date is entered.
- Actual Departure
The actual date on which the vessel/container left the overseas port. This date can also be updated by OT Vessel Entry. The stage of the tracking document moves to 3-Shipped when this date is entered.
- Actual Doc Ready
The actual date by which the container is available to you and ready for shipment to your warehouse. This should not be a future date. This date can also be updated by OT Vessel Entry. It is important to monitor the Dock Ready dates on all tracking documents to avoid paying demurrage fees.
- Actual Last Free
The actual date on which the container can be in your possession before you incur container fees. Monitor this date for all tracking documents to ensure containers are unloaded and returned to the shipper, to avoid incurring container fees.
- Actual Prod Complete
The actual date that production at the overseas manufacturer was complete. The stage of the tracking document moves to 2-Complete when this date is entered.
- Actual Production Start
The actual date that production at the overseas manufacturer began. This information is usually provided with the PO Acknowledgment from the broker or vendor. The stage of the tracking document moves to 1-Production when this date is entered.
- Actual Whse Received
The actual date the container arrived at your warehouse. This is not the date that it was unloaded or received in the warehouse. The stage of the tracking document moves to 6-At Whse when this date is entered.
- Actual Whse Unload
This date should not be manually updated. It is updated during Purchase Entry Receipt of Inventory when you unload the container and receive the purchase orders/lines attached to the tracking document. The stage of the tracking document moves to 7-Received when Purchase Entry Receipt of Inventory is performed.
- Estimated Arrival
The estimated date that the vessel/container is due to arrive in the domestic port.
- Estimated Container Empty
The date you estimate the container is empty and ready to be returned to the shipper.
- Estimated Container Out
The estimated date you expect to return the container to the shipper.
- Estimated Demurrage
The estimated date on which you will incur demurrage charges if the container is left at the domestic port.
- Estimated Departure
The estimated date that the container of goods is expected to depart the overseas port.
- Estimated Dock Ready
The estimated date by which the container will be available to you and ready to transfer for delivery to your warehouse.
- Estimated Last Free
The estimated date by which the container can be in your possession before you begin to incur container fees.
- Estimated Prod Complete
The estimated date that production at the overseas manufacturer is expected to be finished.
- Estimated Production Start
The estimated date that production at the overseas manufacturer is expected to begin.
- Estimated Whse Received
The estimate date the container will arrive at your warehouse.
- Estimated Whse Unload
The estimated date by which you expect to unload the container and receive the product in your warehouse.
- Revised Arrival
A revised date on which the vessel/container is due to arrive in the domestic port, if the estimated date has changed. This should not be the actual arrival date.
- Revised Container Empty
The revised date on which the container is empty and ready to be returned to the shipper.
- Revised Container Out
The revised date by which you expect to return the container to the shipper.
- Revised Departure
A revised date on which the container is due to be shipped, if the estimated date has changed. This should not be the actual departure date.
- Revised Demurrage
A revised date on which you will incur demurrage charges, if the estimated date has changed. This should not be the actual demurrage date.
- Revised Dock Ready
A revised date by which the container will be available to you and ready for shipment to your warehouse, if the estimated date has changed. This should not be the actual arrival date.
- Revised Last Free
The revised date by which the container can be in your possession before you begin to incur container fees.
- Revised Prod Complete
A revised date on which production is due to finish, if the estimated date has changed. This should not be the actual production finish date.
- Revised Production Start
A revised date on which production is due to start, if the estimated date has changed. This should not be the actual production start date.
- Revised Warehouse Received
The revised date on which the container will arrive at your warehouse. This should not be the actual date it arrived.
- Revised Whse Unload
The revised date by which you expect to unload the container and receive the product in your warehouse.