Product Warehouse Description Setup - Other field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order within each section.

Click the links to access field descriptions for that section:

GL Accounts


Order Numbers


Auto Alt Whse Split

GL Accounts

Add In Transit

When a transfer is initially shipped, the Addon In Transit and the Inventory In Transit GL accounts are debited. The Inventory and Addon Revenue offsetting accounts are credited. When the transfer is received by the requesting warehouse, the Addon In Transit and Inventory In Transit accounts are reversed and the Intercompany Transfer account is debited.

Addon Expense

Used during Warehouse Transfer if you are receiving a transfer. If addons are being expensed when the transfer is received, your General Ledger Inventory and Addon Expense accounts are debited and the Intercompany Transfer account is credited. If addons are capitalized, instead of expensed, the Addon Expense account is not used.

Addon Revenue

Used during Warehouse Transfer if you are shipping a transfer. As a transfer is shipped, the General Ledger Inventory In Transit and Addon In Transit accounts are debited for the amount of the transfer and the Inventory and Addon Revenue accounts are credited. This occurs whether addons are expensed or capitalized.

InterDiv Inv

If you are implementing full divisionalized accounting and your SA Company Setup Divisional field is selected, this field must contain a valid General Ledger account number. This account number is only utilized for transfers of stock between warehouses. Each division within your system that utilizes full divisionalized accounting must have an InterDiv Inv account number designated. All debits and credits must be balanced by division.

Inv In Transit

Each time a transfer is shipped, the Inventory In Transit and the Addon In Transit accounts are debited. When the transfer is received at the requesting warehouse, the Inventory In Transit and Addon In Transit are credited and the Intercompany Transfer account is debited for the amount.



The name of the Sales Order Entry acknowledgment printer. The printer is validated in SA Printer Setup.

The printer name is used when acknowledgments are printed through Sales Order Entry, Sales Credit Release Inquiry, or Sales Entry Processing Acknowledgements.

If possible, set up a designated acknowledgment printer. You can save time when printing acknowledgments because you are not required to manually specify the printer.


Specify the name of the printer in this warehouse where Delivery Documents are printed. The printer is validated in SA Printer Setup. The printer is used when Delivery Documents are printed through Sales Order Entry, Sales Entry Print Delivery Document Report, Sales Shipping Feedback Entry, and Sales Credit Release Inquiry. Designating a printer here avoids having to manually specify the printer during printing.


The name of the Sales Order Entry invoice printer if the entire amount or majority of the invoices are printed on the same printer. The printer is validated in SA Printer Setup.

The printer is used when invoices are printed through Sales Order Entry, Sales Credit Release Inquiry, Sales Demand Invoices Report, and Sales Entry Processing Invoice Processing.

If possible, set up a designated invoice printer. You can save time when printing invoices because you are not required to manually specify the printer.

Pick Ticket

The name of the Sales Order Entry pick ticket printer if the entire amount or majority of the pick tickets is printed on the same printer. The printer is validated in SA Printer Setup.

The printer name is defaulted when pick tickets are printed through Sales Order Entry, Sales Credit Release Inquiry, and Sales Entry Processing Pick Tickets. The printer is also used to print transfers through the Transfer module.

If possible, set up a designated pick ticket printer. A designated printer saves you from having to manually specify the printer.

Purchase Order

The name of the designated purchase order printer. The printer is validated in SA Printer Setup.

The purchase order printer is used in Purchase Order Entry and Purchase Entry Processing Print POs.

If possible, set up a designated purchase order printer. A designated printer saves you from having to manually specify the printer.

If you are setting up a Storeroom-managed warehouse, the printer is used to print purchase orders from the Open Back Order list in Storeroom. If this field is blank, the printer that is specified on the Storeroom tab is used.

Order Numbers

The beginning and ending numbers for work orders for kits, receiver numbers for purchase orders, and Value Add orders must be set up for each warehouse. Order numbers for sales order and purchase orders can be set up by company or warehouse, based on these entry settings:

  • Assign Order # From in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders
  • Assign PO # From in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders

If Warehouse is selected for an Assign From setting, specify the beginning and ending order numbers on warehouse records. If Company is selected, specify the beginning and ending order numbers in SA Administrator Options.

For sales orders, you can specify values that contains nine digits. For all other types of order, you can specify values that contain seven digits.

Assign unique numbers to each warehouse. Some reports use order number ranges, instead of warehouse ranges.

The begin and next numbers initially default to 1 but you can specify any number. In a multiple warehouse environment, you can use a range of different order numbers for each warehouse. This table shows an example of ranges for three warehouses:

  Begin Next Ending
Main Warehouse 1 1 49999
West Warehouse 50000 50000 99999
East Warehouse 100000 100000 149999

The value in the Next field is increased when the corresponding type of order is created. The number that is displayed is the next order number that is available.

We recommend that you do not change the order ranges after they are initially set. When the ending number is exceeded, the order numbers start over with the beginning number. If the beginning number is still in use by an existing order, the next available number is used.

If all order numbers are in use, a warning message is displayed within the corresponding transaction entry function. Old orders must be purged before new orders can be entered. Because only inactive orders can be purged, the orders may not be deleted in consecutive order if active orders exist. After the old orders are purged, the next number is reset to the first available order number and the numbering process starts over again. Because active orders can still exist, the new order numbers may not be assigned in sequential order.

Receiver numbers are designed to track single or multiple receipts of purchase orders.

Note:  These numbers should not be decreased without extreme caution; otherwise, system performance may be hindered. The new numbers are not used unless the existing orders are deleted before new orders are entered.
End of Day Cut Off

Defaults to 12:00 AM as the end-of-day cutoff. If your normal workday ends at a different time, use the time chooser to select the time from the drop-down fields. If you are operating in the United States, specify the time in 12-hour increments and use the AM or PM designation.

If an order is entered after the end-of-day cutoff, an extra day is added to the requested ship date on the order.

JIT Leeway

Relevant for orders with a Just In Time (JIT) disposition. Sales Order Entry orders with a JIT disposition are processed based on line item dates, instead of order dates. The number of days you specify in this field, combined with the Saturday and Sunday Shipments options, determines if the order is within the time frame to be picked.

Reservation Leeway

Relevant to warehouse products that have a specific reservation type defined. If the Leeway field on the Product Warehouse Products Setup is zero, this field is applied.

Specify the number of days before the promise date of an order or warehouse transfer that inventory should be reserved to ensure the order is filled on time. If you ship on Saturday or Sunday, select an appropriate option from the drop-down box to the right of Reservation Leeway. The reservation is pushed back to the previous Saturday or Friday, based on this selection.

Saturday Shipment

If you make shipments on Saturday, select this field. This data is used to calculate the Sales Order Entry and Warehouse Transfer requested ship date.

This field also affects the date a Standing Order (ST) is converted.

Sunday Shipment

If you make shipments on Sunday, select this field. This data is used to calculate the Sales Order Entry and Warehouse Transfer requested ship date.

This field also affects the date a Standing Order (ST) is converted.


CenPOS Signature Requirements

Select from these requirements only if you have enabled the CenPOS device option to use one device to capture a receipt signature and a credit card signature. You can choose to always require a signature or to conditionally require a signature based on warehouse, customer, or order disposition.

  • Blank: Accept the default blank to indicate that a receipt signature is not required at this level. If all levels are set to blank, no signature is required for receipt of this order.
  • Always: Select this setting to indicate that, by default, all customers and order types require the capture of a receipt signature, unless overridden by a higher level setting.
  • Will Call-Account: Select this setting to indicate that, by default, a receipt signature capture is required for all customers, but only for orders a) with an order Disposition set to Will Call, b) that have not been paid in full, and c) that have not been overridden by a higher level setting.
  • Will Call-Always: Select this setting to indicate that, by default, a receipt signature capture is required for all customers, but only for orders a) with an order Disposition set to Will Call, and b) that have not been overridden by a higher level setting.
  • Optional: Select this setting to indicate that a receipt signature capture is not required unless overridden by higher level setting.
Central Distribution Center Warehouse

If you are using Sales Warehouse and Central Distribution Center (CDC) functionality, and this is a branch warehouse, select the warehouse that is defined as your CDC warehouse. This is the warehouse that will fill the order when you create a Stock Order (SO) in Sales Order Entry for a customer or ship to associated with a CDC warehouse.

If you are setting up this warehouse as your CDC warehouse, leave this field blank.

End of Day Cut Off

Defaults to 12:00 AM as the end-of-day cutoff. If your normal workday ends at a different time,use the time chooser to select the time from the drop-down fields. If you are operating in the United States, specify the time in 12-hour increments and use the am or pm designation.

If an order is entered after the end-of-day cutoff, an extra day is added to the requested ship date on the order.

Enable Alternate Ship Via
Select this option to use alternate ship via functionality in this warehouse. By default, this check box is clear. This option is displayed only when Use Alternate Ship Via check box is selected in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings.
Enable Freight Rate
By default, this option is enabled. If this option is selected, then you can use freight rate shopping for an order. When using alternate ship via functionality in conjunction with freight rate shopping, the carriers presented in the freight rate shopping screen are limited to those which are also valid for alternate ship via functionality.
IBC OE Shipping Document Print

This setting determines which sales order-related document a user can print from a hand-held RF unit.

See the Infor Distribution SX.e Integration Guide for Enterprise Printing Platform.

JIT Leeway

Relevant for orders with a Just In Time (JIT) disposition. Sales Order Entry orders with a JIT disposition are processed based on line item dates, instead of order dates. The number of days you specify in this field, combined with the Saturday and Sunday Shipments options, determines if the order is within the time frame to be picked.

Reservation Leeway

Relevant to warehouse products that have a specific reservation type defined. If the Leeway field on the Product Warehouse Products Setup is zero, this field is applied.

Specify the number of days before the promise date of an order or warehouse transfer that inventory should be reserved to ensure the order is filled on time. If you ship on Saturday or Sunday, select an appropriate option from the drop-down box to the right of Reservation Leeway. The reservation is pushed back to the previous Saturday or Friday, based on this selection.

Review Ship Via
Specify the review ship via. This review ship via is used as a fallback ship via for eCommerce order imports when that eCommerce order’s ship via is not valid as per alternate ship via functionality. It is also displayed as an option in the alternate ship via list displayed in Sales Order Entry screen when not overridden by another more specific fallback ship via from Sales Freight Rate Setup screen.

You can set up the review ship via in SA Table Code Value Setup screen. The review ship via must be a unique and normally unused ship via to facilitate administrative report and review procedures. Generally, orders that have the review ship via assigned are scrutinized and the review ship via is changed to a valid ship via.

Saturday Shipment

If you make shipments on Saturday, select this field. This data is used to calculate the Sales Order Entry and Warehouse Transfer requested ship date.

This field also affects the date a Standing Order (ST) is converted.

Sunday Shipment

If you make shipments on Sunday, select this field. This data is used to calculate the Sales Order Entry and Warehouse Transfer requested ship date.

This field also affects the date a Standing Order (ST) is converted.

Use CenPOS Signature Capture
Use only if you have enabled the CenPOS Signature Capture device option. The signature capture functionality enables you to capture electronic signatures during Sales Order Entry, and selectively during Sales Shipping Feedback Entry. Select this option to enable a receipt signature capture during Sales Shipping Feedback Entry.

Auto Alternate Warehouse Split

Customer Owned Short Sale

This option applies if you use 3PL functionality only and you use OE Full Order Maintenance API call to accept orders from your customer. This option determines how to handle replenishment of items that are short-shipped and not filled by the auto line split function. Your options include Product Authorized Replenishment Path Type and Back Order Electronic Hold. If you select the default, Product Authorized Replenishment Path Type, replenishment occurs automatically during Transfer Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report, based on the back order that was created for any quantity that was not filled from the customer’s warehouse or transferred from the alternate warehouse. Stock is replenished using the ARP type of the selling warehouse for the customer-owned product. When the WT RRAR is generated, a transfer is automatically created from the alternate warehouse, and a WT Billed Order is created when the transfer is received in the customer’s warehouse.

If you select Back Order Electronic Hold, the short-shipped order is placed on electronic hold (e-hold). To resolve the hold, you can:

  • Source the line to a tied PO or WT order, overriding the ARP setting
  • Adjust the order quantity on the line to prevent a back order
  • Create a separate line item for the short-shipped amount and send it to Lost Business
  • Contact the customer for instructions on how to handle the stockout
Pull Available Stock From

Use this option to designate how to fill a sales order line that is automatically split when insufficient stock is available to fill an order for customer-owned inventory. The OE Full Order Maintenance API call is used to automatically split the line per your selection. Select which stock to use to fill a short-shipped line item, Customer Owned First, or Alternate Whse First.

If you select Customer Owned First, when a sales order line is processed through SX.api and entered in Sales Order Entry, and there is not enough customer-owned inventory available to fill the line, all of the customer-owned inventory is used before filling the remainder from the alternate (distribution) warehouse.

If you select Alternate Whse First, the system fills the line first from the alternate warehouse. Leave the default selection, Not Auto Split Lines, if you do not want to use the 3PL functionality. This includes the SX.api auto alternate warehouse split logic, the update of price and cost in Sales Order Entry from the alternate warehouse, and the automatic WT Billed Order creation from WT receiving. All of these 3PL processes are not utilized if Do Not Auto Split Lines is selected. This option is accessible only if you have assigned the warehouse to the Customer field in Product Warehouse Description Setup-Required.