Product Replenishment Setup - Lead Time field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order within each section.
Click the links to access field descriptions for that section:
Minimum / Maximum Lead Time Override
- Vendor Maximum Days / Vendor Default days
Specify the maximum number of lead time days allowed without using the default settings in the Exceeded ARP Vendor Days Override field. If lead time exceeds this value, the override days are used.
Specify the lead time days to use if the Product Administration Month End Processing-calculated lead time exceeds the maximum lead time days and the product has an ARP vendor specified in Product Warehouse Product Setup.
- Vendor Minimum Days / Vendor Default Days
Specify the minimum number of lead time days allowed without using the default settings in the Below Minimum ARP Vendor Days Override field. If lead time falls below this value on an order with a vendor ARP, the override days are used.
Specify the lead time days to use if the Product Administration Month End Processing-calculated lead time falls below the minimum lead time days and the product has an ARP vendor specified in Product Warehouse Product Setup.
- Warehouse Maximum Days / Warehouse Default Days
The maximum number of lead time days that is allowed without using the default settings in the Exceeded ARP Warehouse Days Override field. If lead time exceeds this value, the override days are used.
The lead time days to use if the Product Administration Month End Processing-calculated lead time exceeds the maximum lead time days and the product has an ARP warehouse specified in Product Warehouse Product Setup.
- Warehouse Minimum Days / Warehouse Default Days
The minimum number of lead time days that is allowed without using the default settings in the Below Minimum ARP Warehouse Days Override field. If lead time falls below this value on an order with a warehouse ARP, the override days are used.
The lead time days to use if the Product Administration Month End Processing-calculated lead time falls below the minimum lead time days and the product has an ARP warehouse specified in Product Warehouse Product Setup.
Lead Time Average Calculation
- Number of Months
The number of months to use when calculating average lead time and reviewing the specified number of receipts. Do not exceed 12 months.
- Number of Receipts
The number of receipts to use when calculating average lead time. Only valid receipts that use the product’s ARP and have the Ignore Lead Time option set to No are considered. The standard system uses two receipts.
Lead Time Percentage Exception
- Maximum Percentage
The maximum lead time percentage that is compared to each current purchase order receipt’s lead time. The calculation is:
Maximum Lead Time = Lead Time Average * Lead Time Max %
If the current lead time is greater than the maximum set here, a Lead Time Review exception is created during Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry.
- Minimum Percentage
The minimum lead time percentage that is compared to each current purchase order receipt’s lead time. The calculation is:
Minimum Lead Time = Lead Time Average * Lead Time Min %
If the current lead time is less than the minimum set here, a Lead Time Review exception is created during Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry.