
Use the Reserve option in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry to manually fill outstanding backorders. This is an alternative to automatically filling backorders in Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report.

The Quantity Available in Product Warehouse Product Setup is used when executing the Reserve function. The total quantity available (Quantity Received + Quantity Available) can be used to fill as many back orders as possible, until the total quantity available is zero.

If you opt to use the Reserve function to fill back orders, we recommend you run the Sales Order Register Report to review all outstanding backorders first. This allows you to select the orders to fill first. When you select a line in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry and click Reserve, all lines on the backorder are filled based on available quantities, if the quantity shipped is less than the quantity ordered. The message "Reserving Product" is displayed.

You may also use the Reserve option in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry if your SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders Action to Take on Completion of Receiving option is Allocation Report.

These requirements must be met before the selected line item is filled:

  • Order type must be a Stock Order (SO) or Blanket Release (BR)
  • Quantity shipped must be less than the quantity ordered
  • Line must be active
  • No backorders can already exist for the line
  • A purchase order or warehouse transfer number cannot be tied to the line
  • Product must be a stocked product in Product Warehouse Product Setup

After the order is filled, these updates occur:

  • If the quantity shipped is not fully covered, a backorder may be created if the customer accepts backorders.
  • Any special price type discounts, whole order discounts, addons, and the total invoice amount is recalculated.
  • The Quantity Reserved is increased.
  • The Pricing and Discounting Actual Quantity may be increased if the pricing or discount record is monthly or yearly based.