Reports generated during Sales Entry Back Order Fill Report
If you print pick tickets with the Sales Entry Back Order Fill Report, you receive an allocation/fill report, a receipts report, an exception report, and the pick tickets. If you do not print pick tickets, you receive the allocation/fill report and a receipts report. Specially-handled receipts and the allocation report do not print after totaling is complete. If an order is not picked because the order went on hold, it is displayed on the exception report. This topic describes each report that is created by the Sales Entry Back Order Fill Report.
Allocation/Fill Report
If an order is not approved, the allocation/fill report prints Hold beside the Net Price. If an order is on hold, the associated pick ticket is not printed.If an order has a Just in Time disposition, the requested ship date from the line level is included. For all other order dispositions, the requested ship date is from the sales order header. Notations that indicate serial- or lot controlled products are displayed beside the Net Price column.
Exception Report
If an order has a Just in Time disposition, the requested ship date from the line level. An exception report is printed automatically when you run the Sales Entry Back Order Fill Report. This report includes orders with conditions that require manual processing. Only one exception is displayed per order. The report lists relevant information for each exception. Exceptions that relate to the entire order use the header dates. Exceptions that relate to line items use line dates for Just in Time (JIT) orders.
A future pick relates to the state the order is in and is most commonly associated with a JIT order where all lines have been filled, but the promise date is in the future. You are holding inventory that is tied to that order, but until the customer requires the product, there is no reason to pick and ship the line, so the pick ticket is not printed.
Receipts Report
Receipts records are created when goods are received in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry and Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry. Additional product quantities may also become available through Product Unavailable Inventory Entry receipts and returns transactions, Product Adjustment Entry stock adjustments, and Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report returns. Each of these functions create receipts records, which are used the next time the Sales Entry Back Order Fill Report is run. The receipts records represent incoming goods that are available for distribution.
The receipts report prints after pick tickets are printed and provide you with information on the product received. It lists the quantity picked and the quantity to put away. If pick tickets are not printed, this report prints after the allocation report and prints on the same printer as the allocation report. The receipts records are updated in Sales Entry Pick Ticket Report to indicate the quantity is picked.
The quantity received less the quantity picked gives you the quantity to put away, even if the quantity was reserved. If the pick ticket is reprinted, the quantity picked is cleared before the new update.