Vendor Administrator Vendor Classification ranges and options
See Report ranges.
- Date
This report uses twelve months of the most current history, ending with the date you specify in this Date option.
If you specify 093000, data for the first nine months of 2000 are combined with the last three months of 1999.
You can specify a number between -1 and -7 in the day field if you want to go back up to 7 days. For example, if you specify **/-7/**, the system will use the current date less 7 days for the date.
- Calc. From (S)ales, (M)argin, or (P)rofit
Specify S to print qualifying vendors based on sales.
Specify M to print qualifying vendors based on margin.
Specify P to print qualifying vendors based on profit.
Depending on your selection, vendors are ranked in classes 1 through 12. If any vendors have sales less than the amount you specify in the Minimum Sales Amount for Active Vendor field in , they will be included in Class 13.
- Print Detail (A)ll, (N)one, (U)p or (D)own
Specify A to print all detail, including the vendor's former class and if the activity went up, down, remained the same, or was new.
Specify N to print class totals only.
Specify U to print detail only for those vendors whose rank went up and those who are new; however, all vendors will be included in totals.
Specify D to print detail only for those vendors whose rank went down and vendors that are new; however, all vendors will be included in totals.
- Update Class on Vendor Record?
Select Yes to update the Class field in Vendor Setup-General. Leave the ranges blank so all vendors are ranked.
- Include Inactive Vendors In Ranking?
Select Yes to include inactive vendors on the report.
Inactive vendors are not always included in class 13. For example, a vendor has recently gone out of business or closed a branch and is made inactive. If the sales history is enough to rank it in any class 1-12, it will be ranked even though it is inactive, if this option is Yes.
Select No so inactive vendors are not included on the report or in the totals.