Sales Drawer Reconciliation Entry field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order.
- Counted Balance in Drawer
- The counted balance from the drawer.
- Discrepancy
- The calculated discrepancy between the beginning balance and the counted balance.
- Net Total Transactions in Drawer
- Total amount of all the cash in, cash out, and payments received.
- Starting Balance Plus Total Transactions in Drawer
- The new starting balance. The Warehouse Drawer Starting Balance amount + Net Total Transactions in Drawer amount = Starting Balance Plus Total Transactions in Drawer amount.
- Warehouse Drawer Starting Balance
- The ending balance from the last reconciled amount from Product Cash Drawer Setup.
Transaction grid
- Amount
- The amount entered for the transaction.
- Comments
- Any comments enter in Sales Drawer Transaction Entry.
- Customer
- The customer number associated with the transaction.
- Customer Name
- The customer name from the Customer Setup record.
- Description
- The description for the transaction type created in Product Cash Drawer Setup.
- Journal #
- The journal number for the transaction.
- Order #
- If applicable, the order number for the transaction.
- Order Type
- The order type of the order, such as stock order, counter sale.
- Payment Type
- The payment type of the transaction that is assigned during transaction entry. Payment Type was set up in SA Table Code Value Setup-Petty Cash Transactions.
- Ship To
- The customer's Ship To number, if applicable.
- Taken By
- The operator initials for the operator who entered the transaction.
- Type
- The transaction source, such as OE, ROA, PC. This includes transactions from Sales Order Entry tendering and Receive on Account, Sales Drawer Transaction Entry, and SX.API.