Transfer Exception Report overview

Transfer > Reports > WT Reports > WTRE

Function acronym: WTRE

Use this report to alert you to transfer exceptions that require attention or action. Because exceptions might require correction before the transfer is picked or shipped, run this report on a regularly.

To include the costs on the report, Yes must be selected in the Allow User to View Costs field on your SA Operator Setup record.

If Rush is selected at the transfer header level, RUSH is displayed directly under the transfer number on the report.

If the product is a special cost product, the special price/cost unit from Product Setup is displayed next to the product’s cost.

To determine which transfers require processing through Transfer Exception Receipt Entry, specify these settings:

  • Specify 5 in the Stage Code range.
  • Specify Yes for the Order Received Short/Long option.

If you specify No for all other options, only the transfers that require processing in Transfer Exception Receipt Entry are included on the report.

This report can be lengthy. Limit the report to only the information that you require.