Transfer Entry - Edit Lines overview
Use this page to select lines on transfers to edit or delete.
On this page you can perform these actions:
- Drill down on a line to edit it in the Advanced Line Entry
The Edit Lines page reopens when you click , , or in Advanced Line Entry.
- Select lines and then delete them from the transfer.
To delete transfer lines, your operator ID security must be set to level 5 for Transfer Entry.
When you delete a line on a transfer, all updates that occurred are reversed, including inventory control changes. When a line on a transfer is tied to a line on a sales order, the tie is removed when the line on the transfer is deleted. Additionally,
When you delete a line from a transfer, any attached back orders are deleted if the transfer with the higher suffix is not required. For example, suppose a transfer contains two line. The second line is back ordered and a transfer with a -01 suffix is created. The first line on the original transfer is subsequently deleted, leaving the -00 transfer without any lines. The line that was back ordered on the -01 transfer is moved to the -00 transfer. The back order with the -01 suffix is deleted, and the original transfer becomes the back order with a -00 suffix.
When you click the back arrow to exit the Edit Lines page, the default line entry mode that is selected on the Entry Defaults page for Transfer Entry opens.