Transfer Entry - Review & Totals overview
Use this page to review totals and addon transfer information. You can add capitalized or expensed addons and recalculate the whole order total. You can also specify other settings: Staging Area, Reference, Shipping Instructions.
In SA Administrator Options-Products-Cost, if Include Addons is selected with the Post to G/L By, the Capitalize and Type fields are available on this page. If you are including General Ledger addons with transfers, you can add one capitalized addon to this transfer. The capitalized addons are determined by the ship from warehouse. The default addon is from the Product Warehouse Description Setup record for each transfer entered for the ship from warehouse. The capitalized addon is considered revenue for the ship from warehouse.
Use the Distribute By setting on the ship to's Product Warehouse Description Setup to distribute addons by weight, cubes, amount, units, or none. When the transfer is received, this setting is used to determine how the addons are distributed. Capitalized addons are included with the inventory value when the journal updates the General Ledger. You cannot override the capitalized addon on the transfer or the amounts distributed to each line item after the transfer is in Stage 3 (Shipped).