Transfer Exception Receipt Entry overview
Function acronym: WTEE
Use this function to review and adjust exception receipts by line item.
Exception receipts are created when the quantity shipped on the transfer from the ship-from warehouse does not equal the quantity received by the ship to warehouse. Because the discrepancy originated in the ship from warehouse, that warehouse must run Transfer Exception Receipt Entry to correct quantities and balance General Ledger and product records. You must print existing exception journals before adjusting exception receipts. When a home warehouse has been specified for you in SA Operator Setup-Static Information, you can only perform exception receipts on transfers from your home warehouse.
Access information in these ways:
- Exception Receipts Details window is displayed, where you can access the Header and Line Items views. When you click , you can view a complete history of the entire transfer. When you specify a transfer that is not in Exception stage, this message is displayed: Stage Not Valid (5659). : Click to specify a particular transfer. Click or . When you click , a journal opens. Click . The
- Search: You can search for transfers or direct orders exceptions. Then, in the grid, you can drill down into a record to access the Header and Line Items views.
- Journal: A list of journals is displayed. Click to open the journal.
- : After you search for one of more transfer records, select a record and click to view a complete history of the entire transfer. When this transfer is late, "Late" is displayed in the Header Info. In the Lines section, expand a line item in the Lines grid to view ordering and inventory data. When the transfer is tied to an order, the tie information is displayed in the grid.
After you have updated all exception lines, the transfer stage goes from Stage 5 (Exception) to Stage 6 (Received), and the exception journal is closed. Intercompany transfers do not go to Stage 5, therefore, they cannot be processed in Transfer Exception Receipt Entry. This is because separate companies are involved, and the difference in quantities shipped and received must be handled manually. After the transfer is received in the ship-to warehouse, the transfer must be changed to Stage 6 in the ship from and ship to warehouses, even if there is an exception.
Transfer Exception Receipt Entry does not update these values: usage, which is updated in Transfer Shipping Entry, labor products, or addon accounts. Run Transfer Exception Report to print all transfers that require exception receiving. This report shows the transfer and line numbers requiring exception receiving, in addition to the stage of each transfer.
When you receive a transfer that contains less than the quantity shipped, capitalized addons associated with the line remain in the Add In Transit account. When you generate Transfer Exception Receipt Entry, this account is credited and the Addon Revenue account in the shipping warehouse is debited, regardless of the option you choose for resolving the discrepancy. The shipping warehouse should not recognize the addon revenue for the quantity that was shorted on the transfer.
From the main grid, you can drill down into a record to access the Header view. The Header contains static information about the transfer exception, such as warehouse information, shipping information, processing notes, capitalized and expensed addons, journals, freight details, and dates.
Line Items
From the main grid, you can drill down into a record to access the Line Items view. All products on the transfer are listed in the grid. Select a line to adjust exception receipts to make these actions available in the grid toolbar:
- Product Warehouse Description Setup. : This option is enabled if the Difference column value is greater than zero, and the line is marked as Uncompleted, and the Ship From Warehouse is not a WL warehouse, as setup in
- Product Warehouse Description Setup. : This option is enabled if the Difference column value is greater than zero, and the line is marked as Uncompleted, and the Ship From Warehouse is not a WL warehouse, as setup in
- : This option is enabled if the Difference column value is greater than zero, and the line is marked as Uncomplete.
- : This option is enabled if the Difference column value is less than zero, and the line is marked as Uncomplete.
When the quantity received is less than the quantity shipped, you can perform these adjustments:
- Increase the shipping warehouse’s quantity on hand and decrease the in transit quantity. For example, if the item is found at the shipping warehouse, it can be returned to stock.
- Move the quantity from in transit to unavailable if the merchandise is damaged, defective, or otherwise unavailable for sale.
- Adjust stock and decrease the shipping warehouse’s quantity on hand to indicate that the missing inventory was not found in either warehouse.
When the quantity received is more than the quantity shipped, select
to adjust the quantity.When control number assignment is required for serial- or lot-controlled product , the Serial or Lots page opens after you select the line and adjustment type. For example, if the quantity received of a lot product is greater than the quantity shipped, then the Lots page open when you select to adjust the values in the shipping warehouse.
When you adjust a line for a serial-controlled product, you are required to allocate serial numbers, based on the exception and type of adjustment. Regardless of the SA Administrator Options and Product Warehouse Product Setup settings that control serial number assignment, the Serial page is displayed for all adjustments except stock inventory.
When you change the number of serial products that you receive in Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry, you are required to update the assigned serial numbers. When an exception occurs, you must also update the assigned serial numbers in Transfer Exception Receipt Entry to ensure that the Product Extended Serial Number Setup records are updated appropriately.
When there is not enough quantity in the ship from warehouse to cover the quantity over-received, this message is displayed: Qty On Hand Negative in Shipping Whse-Do Stock Adjustment.