VA Order Entry - Detail - Add New Section overview
Use this page to add, change, or delete sections making up the VA order. Sections contain information about an individual processes or components.
To add a new section, click VA Order Entry - Sections view.
on theOn this page you can perform these actions:
- Use the Sequence # field to change the order of the sections. For example: to move section 4 after section 2, change the sequence number 4.0 to 2.5. After the move, that section number is 3.0 and the other sections are renumbered accordingly.
- Select the section type and description to add.
- Create and view notes for a VA order transaction.
When you add a new section, if only one section code, defined in SA Table Code Value Setup, exists then that code defaults in the Section Description field. If you are adding multiple sections of the same type, the section description default is the last section code used for that type.
After you choose the section type, section description, and click Extend window or Specifications window is displayed so you can specify additional information.
, anAfter you create an Inventory Component (IN) section with a destination of Vendor, if you then create an External Process (EX) section, the External Vendor # and Ship To default from the IN section. If you create another EX section, the External Vendor # and Ship From default from the previous EX section created.