VA Order Entry - Detail - Line Sourcing PO/WT Interface - Back Ties overview
Use the PO/WT Interface - Back Ties window to create or maintain a back tie. A Back Tie is a separate tie that is tied to the original warehouse transfer on a Value Add line.
All processing will point to the warehouse transfer order and not the Value Add order. When sourcing the back tie to the original warehouse transfer on the Value Add line, you are limited to a purchase order or warehouse transfer.
If a back tie already exists and this window is accessed in change mode, then the back tie data is defaulted. To clear the back tie, set the Type field to No Tie. After the tie is created, you can only clear it. You are not allowed to change the tie.
After you select the Type field, the associated fields on this window are set to entry mode and appropriate fields are pre-set based on the ARP settings of the warehouse transfer tied to the Value Add order.
If the product is a non-stock item, the ARP settings default from the ARP warehouse’s Product Warehouse Description Setup record. Also, if there is already a purchase order or warehouse transfer that is tied to the existing VA warehouse transfer, then it defaults in the back tie’s Document # field. All existing ties are defaulted. You are allowed to override those ties, if needed.