VA Shipping Entry overview
Function acronym: VAES
Use this window to review VA inventory component (IN) sections that are eligible to ship or unship.
Conduct a search to limit the orders that are displayed in the grid.When you specify a Value Add order number as part of the search, the other search parameters are ignored. When the Value Add Order # field is left blank, then the other search criteria are used. The information that is displayed in the Orders grid reflects VA header and VA section records. You can use the hyperlinks in these columns to view more detailed information:
- VA Order Inquiry to access
- Product Inquiry to access
- Product Availability Inquiry or to access
On this page you can perform these actions:
- Change the IN section stage code of selected section to shipped or printed. Sections in open or printed stage can be changed to ship. Section in shipped stage can be changed to printed.
- Specify addons for a selected section.
- Delete a selected section.
- Cancel an IN section line when it is back ordered. Cancel lines from the Line Extended Information page in VA Shipping Entry-Details-Line Items. Users must have the Allow Cancel on BO Lines in VA IN Section option enabled in SA Operator Setup-Entry Options in order to cancel back ordered lines.
- Complete shipped sections by clicking . This error message is displayed when you attempt to update an unshipped section: Cannot Process, Invalid Stage (5815). This error message is displayed when you attempt to update a section that has been updated and shipped already: This Value Add Order/Section/Line is Complete and Cannot be Processed (4858).
On this page you can access these options:
Select a line for an IN section to change the section stage to Shipped (if stage is currently Opened or Printed) or Printed (if stage is currently Shipped). Back orders are created if the Allow Section Back Order option is selected.
Select a line and click
to enter or update addons specific to the section.Select a line and click
to delete the section.