TWL Outbound - Carrier Master overview
Function acronym: TWLOCM
Use TWL Outbound-Shipping-Carrier Master to create and manage carrier records.
You can ship TWL orders through TWL or through a shipping interface. Use the Carrier field to indicate whether orders are shipped through TWL or through a third-party host. Orders and transfers that are to be shipped by a carrier that is managed by TWL must pass through ship verification with the WL Entry Batch Shipping Report. You can view pending SHP communication for the WL Entry Batch Shipping Report in WL Transaction Inquiry.
If you select Host as the Carrier in Shipping Management-Parcel Management section, you can ship orders, transfers, and shipping requests with a shipping interface or the system. The packing process creates a PAK synchronize to the system. A shipping interface performs the necessary updates for orders, transfers, and shipping requests. Journal updates must use Transfer Shipping Feedback Entry to update transfers to Stage 3 (Shipped).
If you ship using your own carrier or trucks, you can assign a Carrier Type of Internal. During shipping, freight entry is not required for internal carriers.