TWL Execution - View Pending Replenishment overview
Function acronym: TWLERP
Use this page to view top-off replenishments records that were calculated and scheduled, or replenishments in the process of being completed.
You can filter your search query for pending replenishments using these options:
- Show Top Offs
Select this option to display a list of pending top-off replenishment records.
- Show Consolidations
Select this option to display a list of non-primary consolidation replenishment records.
- Show Non-Standard Replenishments
Select this option to display a list of non-standard replenishment records such as Work Center replenishments.
You can clear pending top-off and consolidation replenishments as required. The message, Only replenishments with a blank status will be cleared, displays if you try to clear replenishments that are in the process of being put away. Work Center requests reserve the inventory and can prevent replenishments from being scheduled from the same location.
High priority inventory is indicated when the Priority option is selected in the data grid. This option is preselected for inventory that should receive replenishing before others.