SA Table Code Value Setup - Operational Hold Code overview
Use this page to create or delete operational hold codes for sales orders. You can maintain a hold code record, but updates are limited to comments.
Operational hold codes are used during sales order processing only if the Use Operational Hold Codes option is selected in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings. When operational hold codes are implemented, table code value records are automatically created, based on the legacy hold codes set up in SA Administrator Options.
If you change a legacy hold code in SA Administrator Options after operational hold codes are implemented, a new table code value record is created. The record for the old value is maintained, but you can edit it or delete it manually.
When an operational hold code is created or deleted, the Allowed Operation Hold Codes grid in SA Operator Setup is updated. If you add a hold code, allow the appropriate operators to use the hold code. Before you delete a user-defined hold code, verify that the hold code does not exist on open orders. If you delete a user-defined hold code, permission to use the hold code is removed from all operator records. No operator will have permission to remove the hold and the orders will remain on hold. If you encounter this issue, you must recreate the deleted hold code.
The operational hold codes are limited to one character.