SA Operator Setup - Other Options overview

System Administrator > Setup > Operator

Use this page to specify administrative settings, AO security permissions, electronic controls, note category permissions, and general ledger account codes for each operator. You can also specify division security settings, allowed division numbers, and allowed operational hold codes.

Administrative Settings

Use this section to define operator permissions for system administrator type options. Indicate if the user has unlimited web access. Additionally, you can define if this user has system admin status, supervisor status, and AP supervisor status.

AO Security Permissions

Use this section to indicate which pages this user can access in the SA Administrator Options function.

Electronic Controls

Use this section to make transactions available to the operator in Electronic Transaction Control Center Entry, or ETCC. By default, no transaction types are available. To make a transaction available to the operator in ETCC, select the transaction type and then click Allow.

Instructions to give an operator access to a transaction in ETCC are included in the documentation for that transaction and process.

See the Infor Distribution SX.e Setup and Administration Guide for EDI

Note Category Permissions

The note categories that are used in the Notes context widget in Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup. Note categories, such as a credit notes category, can be restricted. Select a restricted note category in this section to grant user access.

General Ledger

An operator record must exist in SA Operator Setup. The account codes must exist in GL Account Setup before you can set up any of the GL default information. When the operator record is first created, the automatic distribution and GL update options automatically default to Yes. You must maintain these defaults to enter the correct defaults.

Operators performing automatic distributions and transaction entry functions should be set up with GL account code defaults. The defaults specify the GL account codes required for each automatic distribution and transaction entry function. GL account codes are only required for the modules in which the operators perform these functions. If a regular operator, who is not set up with GL Defaults, attempts to perform an automatic distribution or transaction entry function, all transactions are updated with the GL Defaults specified on the R&D operator record or Product Extended GL Distribution Setup. If the account codes do not exist or are invalid on the R&D record, the transactions update the company suspense account codes.

The General Ledger section contains sub-sections, which are generally based on modules. For example, you can specify General Ledger accounts for customers (Accounts Receivable), vendors (Accounts Payable), or products (Inventory Control). When the General Ledger is updated by the system, the update uses a hierarchy to determine the General Ledger account to update. First, checks are made for any manual entries the operator made on the GL Distribution window. If manual entries were not made, then checks are made for account codes defined at the module level. If account codes are not defined at the module level, checks are made for the account codes at the operator level. This is what you are defining in this section. If you do not define account codes here, the checks are made to the R&D Operator record for account codes. Finally, if there are no account codes defined, the update posts the entry to the suspense debit and suspense credit accounts.

If an operator should not perform automatic distributions or transaction entry functions for the modules listed, set the function security level to 1-No Access.

The Copy function in SA Operator Setup is useful when you set up several operators that require similar information. Each operator must be maintained thereafter to ensure unique capabilities and security. Operators should not be set up identically.

Note: Individual operators should not have access to the General Ledger defaults in SA Operator Setup. The system administrator should set up all operators and perform the required maintenance. If the operator has access this function, they can only change their own defaults and not the defaults of other operators.

You can set up General Ledger defaults for all modules in the system.

Security Settings

Use this section to restrict the data a user can see for module records such as Vendor (AP), Customer (AR), and Product (IC) within their list of allowed divisions.

Distributors who manage multiple divisions, sometimes referred to as franchises, may want to prevent employees in one division from viewing and maintaining information in the system belonging to another division. Where divisions are managed or owned by a separate entity, it is important to maintain these controls to ensure privacy.

In the Allowed Divisions section you can select the divisions a user can access or view. In the Security Settings section, you can limit the user’s access to specific module records to only data for records within the allowed divisions.
Note: These settings do not override function security that is defined in SA Operator Setup-Function Security. It is important that you use function security settings to control the functions each operator has access to. Then use the Security Settings and Allowed Divisions settings to restrict the data access within functions to allowed divisions only.

You can also specify whether an operator is able to edit vendor or customer records if the Restricted Editing option in Vendor Setup, Vendor Ship From Setup, Customer Setup, or Customer Ship To Setup is selected.