SA Company Information Report overview
Function acronym: SARC
Use this report to show static information contained in the database for the selected companies, including administrator option settings.
Print this report after all company records have been set up to verify the accuracy of the information. Verify this information before starting any file processing. This report is divided into sections. The administrative options functions are stored internally on the company record.
- System Administrator Company Information
- System Administrator Taxing Information
- System Administrator Tax Configuration
- Administrator Options for:
- Accounts Payable
- Accounts Receivable
- Check Reconciliation
- Electronic Data Interchange
- General Ledger
- General Ledger Profit Distribution
- Inventory Control
- Inventory Control Cost
- Kit Production
- Order Entry
- Order Entry More
- Order Entry Back Order Fill
- Order Entry Printing
- Order Entry Receipt
- Pricing & Discounting
- Purchase Order
- Report Scheduler
- Sales Manager
- Value Add
- Warehouse Transfer
- Customer Marketing
- Bid Preparation
- Warehouse Manager
- Warehouse Logistics
- System Administrator Integrations
- System Administrator AODATA System Wide
- System Administrator AODATA Company Specific
Markup Addon Cost
If you have activated the enhanced warehouse transfer markup addon feature, Markup Addon
Cost fields are displayed in the SA Company Information Report in the
Warehouse Transfer section. The fields show the settings specified in the Markup Addons
section in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Transfer
Orders-Processing. The settings a) activate the functionality, and b) specify
markup types, a markup cost, and an override hierarchy.
- Use Markup Addons
- Shows whether the transfer markup addons functionality is activated: yes or no.
- Markup Cost
- Shows the markup cost type specified company-wide for the markup addons: Average, Last, Replacement, or Standard.
- Use Product
- Shows whether the Product markup type is enabled: yes or no.
- Use Product Line
- Shows whether the Product Line markup type is enabled: yes or no.
- Use Product Category
- Shows whether the Product Category markup type is enabled: yes or no.
- Use Product Price Type
- Shows whether the Product Price Type markup type is enabled: yes or no.
- Use Alt. Prod Group
- Shows whether the Alternate Product Group markup type is enabled: yes or no.
- Hierarchy
- Shows the Override Hierarchy specified company-wide for the markup addons: product, product line, product category, product price type, alternate product group, or none.